Saturday, March 5, 2011

Spellbound S-P-E-L-L-B-O-U-N-D Spellbound

Spellbound is a documentary about a group of  pre-teens and teenagers who are competing to win the 1999 National Spelling Bee. Each participant had their own ways of preparing fir the spelling bee and had their own motivations on wining. Two characters that stood out to me are Neil and Emily. They both were super excited about making the bee, but they both had completely different motivations for preparing and whether or not they would win.

Neil: Neil was extremely motivated and had all these different techniques for spelling his words correctly. He believed that he really was going to win and was very determined to spell every word correctly. I believe he got his motivations from his father, Rajesh. Rajesh quizzed Neil so many times that I think Neil could probably spell each word forward and backward.Neil most likely got all of his confidence from his dad. In the interviews, Rajesh kept talking about how Neil was going to win it all.

Emily:Emily was also motivated for winning the bee, but I think she did not have quite he same motivation as Neil did. Sure she studied and had the support of her parents, but she still remained somewhat "normal". Based on her interviews, I could tell that she dedicated a LOT of time to spelling, but I could tell that it wasn't her entire life because she kept saying that she is excited for the bee to be over so that she can just do whatever she wants and not have to worry about learning how to spell words. For her motivations about winning, I don't think she had quite as much confidence as Neil did. In the interviews, she kept saying how cool it would be if she won, but she didn't talk like she was going to win. She would just say "oh I hope I can make it past such and such a round, if I can do that I will be happy." 

PREDICTION: I think that Emily is going to win the Bee...anyone else think so too?

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