Sunday, March 6, 2011

Beastly...pgs 1-40

by: Alex Flinn

Kyle Kingsbury is the hottest, richest, and definitely the most popular guy in school. Everyone wants to be his friend even though he is a total jerk. His motto is that if you're ugly, you're not worthy. So, he isn't surprised when he finds out that he is on his school's royal court for their upcoming dance. During Kyle's English class, when everyone is voting for who they want to be their prince and princess, a new girl named Kendra makes a point to say how disgusting it is that people have a vote on who they they think are the hottest people in school. Kyle gets angered by this an totally goes off on Kendra. Kendra just takes the blows and tells Kyle that he may look great on the outside, but on the inside he is beastly.  Kyle is bothered by what Kendra says all day and decides to get back to her by asking her to the dance, but actually go with this complete skank named sloane. Kendra agrees to go and asks for a rose corsage and also says that it would just be best to meet at the dance. Kyle loves how she is almost playing along with his scheme. On the night of the dance, he tries to give sloane the rose corsage, but she calls it tacky and refuses to wear it. Two petals fall of the rose and Kyle puts them into his pocket. At the dance, Kyle sees Kendra and starts making out with sloane right in front of her. Kyle and Sloane laugh and Kendra and call her mean names, but Kendra just stands there and says that Kyle will one day be punished for his heartlessness. Kyle gets so mad at this little comment and can't even enjoy himself when he is crowned Prince with Sloane as his princess. Once he gets home, he is surprised to see Kendra sitting on his bed. Kendra explains that she is a witch and is here to punish Kyle for his lack of a heart. She turns him into a beast and tells him he has two years o find someone to love him for what's on the inside and not his looks, and in return he must love the girl back with all of his heart....

Alex Flinn is an author who takes the classic fairy tales we have all come to know and love and puts a modern twist on them. Beastly is her twist on, you guessed it, Beauty and the Beast. She also wrote a story called A Kiss in Time, a twist on the story Sleeping Beauty. I love fairy tales whether they are classic or current., so I am pretty sure I am going to love love love this book!

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