Monday, February 7, 2011

Gleecap of last night's episode: "The Sue Sylvester Shuffle" (SPOILER ALERT)

So, last night's episode of Glee was AMAZING! It was totally worth staying up waaaayyy late to watch.

Sue was hysterical in this episode, especially when she gets denied her right to use cannon for her regional competition.  When the principal tells her that she can't shoot a student out of cannon without their consent, she goes crazy and destroys the office and the boys locker room.  It's so funny!

I also loved the whole plot line about the the football players and the football players that are in Glee Club.  It was super intense! The funniest part was when Rachel and Puck finished singing a duet, this huge fight broke out and you could see Rachel in the background trying to kick one of the football guys. So, to try and ease the tension the football coach and Mr. Shue decide that the football team and the glee-clubbers are going to perform at half-time during the championship game.  The glee clubbers are all for it, but the football guys don't want to risk becoming losers, so they quit the team.

And who can forget...DARREN CRISS! Ohhhh mmyyy.....that song he sang with the rest of the Dalton Warblers was soooooo good!! Oh and Kurt! Boy have I missed him, he is probably my favorite character.  :)

Ok, so the FUNNIEST part in the entire episode is when the female glee-clubbers decide to join the football team so they don't have to forfeit the championship.  Rachel was so funny, she had absolutely NO idea what she was doing whatsoever. Tina actually almost made a touch-down, but some big guy from the other team nailed her (she was ok though).

At half-time, Finn goes to get the cheerios (Quinn, Brittany, and Santana) before they leave for their competition.  Sue is furious when she finds out they quit the squad.  Puck goes and tells the football guys this mushy-gushy stuff about how they've waited their entire lives to win the championship..blah blah blah.  So, at half time the football team AND the Glee club sing "Thriller"...let's just say that it was stinking fantastic!

The show was totally great until the very end.  This is where I got mad...very mad (okay not THAT mad). anyways, Finn and Quinn are alone in the hallway and she tells him all this junk about how he was a good leader and how she wouldn't have been able to quit the Cheerios without him and then you know what she did? SHE KISSED HIM....oh boy was I mad. She can't kiss him! Finn just has to get back together with Rachel, and um...well Quinn sorta just um CHEATED on Sam, just a little bit.... I'm telling you, this show gets more dramatic with every's crazy!!   


  1. i loved this episode! especially the part when sure is like pressuring Brittany to the consent form to be shot out of the cannon. and she is like "you have to sign this form. this cannon has two little baby cannons. and his wife has fibromyalgia and can't work." or something along those lines... anyway, i laughed. good episode. can't wait til tonight's (:

  2. I have not seen Glee but I have seen plenty of commercials for it and I have heard lots about it. My mom told me after watching one episode why it can be so addicting! Im going to try to watch an episode sometime if i can remember. By the way your reading nook looks really comfortable.

  3. "I don't want to die until One Tree Hill gets cancelled"- Brittany. I love One Tree Hill and whatever comes out of Brittnay's mouth! This episode made me laugh so hard!

  4. I love glee. It is a great show to watch. I also love thriller and I am so glad they finally did that song. The make-up and everything matched it so well. I think it was funny when they just started to talk like zommbies to the other team. I didn't like the part when the other team hiked it and the quarterback missed it just because everyone was saying BRIANS. Very unrealistic, but it is a great tv show.
