Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Queen Of Everything pgs. 1-59

by Deb Caletti

  The book begins with Jordan (the main character) talking about her dad.  Right off the bat she says something that hints to the reader that her dad really is a good guy, but has taken a wrong turn in life. Then Jordan goes on to talk about her mom.  Jordan's mother is basically a hippy, and Jordan is so embarrassed by it. Her parents are divorced and for a while she lived with her mom.  Her mom made her go to this really weird school and she didn't have many friends because she was too embarrassed to to bring them to her house. When Jordan finally couldn't take living with her mom anymore she moved in with her dad and attempted to live as normal as a life as possible.  She started going to a normal high school and made a friend named Melissa.  For a while, Jordan thought her life was actually starting to get normal.  
Jordan and Melissa work at this place called True You, a fitness and health center for obese people.  One day while Jordan was working, a lady named Gayle D'Angelo came into the center.  Jordan thought Gale was really pretty and waaayyy to skinny to be at True You.  Even though she had just met Gayle, Jordan knew something was fishy about her when she said that she already knew her father.  Things started to get weird after Jordan met Gayle D'Angelo. For instance, one morning her dad's girlfriend, Bonnie, called to speak to her dad, but he just told Jordan to tell Bonnie that he wasn't home.  Not long after that call, Jordan ran into Bonnie and she told Jordan that her dad had ended their relationship after some big fight. While Jordan was hanging out at Melissa's house one day after school she noticed her dad's car in the driveway of the D'Angelo home; this is when Jordan really started freaking out.  She left Melissa's house to see if it really was her dad's car, but by the time she got there the car was gone.  Instead she noticed that Wes D'Angelo's (Gayle's husband) car was in the driveway instead.  By seeing this, Jordan just assumed that her mind was playing games with her and let it all go. 
   In chapter three Jordan's grandparents are introduced.  They are over for dinner when all of a sudden Jordan's dad gets a phone call and says he has to go help a friend with something.  Jordan realizes that he didn't actually go to help his friend, but was somewhere else entirely.

So far I don't really kmow if I like this book or not....I mean it's really interesting and I love the whole story line, but it is just reeeaalllyyy hard to follow.  There are parts in the book where I don't know if I am in the past, present, or future because the author jumps around so much.  The book isd written from Jordan's perspective so I get that I am inside her mind, but it's almost like everything has already happened and she is re-telling the story because she will say one thing and then be like "it's only until later that I realized that was true"'s confusing.  
EXAMPLE: "And that's when I smelled it.  Her perfume. Gayle D'Angelo's perfume.  I swear, I smelled it before I saw her. It was not a smell I could forget, ever. Later I would smell that perfume on some woman in a department store, and I would feel so sick, I actually gagged."
I also get kind of bored when I read the book because there is hardly any dialogue. I mean there is some, but not as much as I would like there to be.  There is so much description though.  Literally every other sentence is either a simile, metaphor, or personification.  I think that is pretty cool, the way the author uses those methods to create a story.  
   The more I read the story, the more I'm getting into it though because I have my own little speculations about what is going to happen between Gayle D'Angelo and Jordan's dad.  I just hope I'm wrong bout them....

Total pages read 59/322

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