Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Hunger Games...A summary of Part II

by: Suzanne Collins

Part two is called "The Games". I bet you all can guess what this section is about! Part II begins with Katniss's reaction to Peeta's delcaration of love for her. She gets so mad at both Peeta and Haymitch for doing this to her until they tell her that they did it on purpose.  With Peeta delcaring that he loves Katniss, the audience immediatly feels sorry for them and they become known as the "starcrossed lovers from district 12". Knowing that this will help her win the games, Katniss has no choice but to go along with it.

"Ladies and gentlmen, let the Seventy-Fourth Hunger Games begin!" Now that the Games are on, Katniss does everything she can to stay alive.  Instead of running straight for the Cornucopia, a place where there are loads of weapons for the tributes to grab, like the rest of the tributes did, she grabs a backpack that is near her and runs for dear life into the woods.Once she's in the woods she thinks about the advice Haymitch gave right before she left for the arena...get away from the others as fast as you can and find water. She become very dehydrated and is on the brink of passing out when she fianlly finds a stream...thank goodness! Once she got all the water she needed, she climbed up high into a tree and settled down for the night.  In the middle of the night, she witnesses a tribute getting killed by the Careers (a group of people from districts 1,2,and 4 that form an alliance). She gets furious when she sees that Peeta is among the group, she can;t believe he has betryaed her! 

Katnisses first challenge comes when she must escape a forest fire that the Gamemakers created to spice up the show a bit.  While she is running from the fire she manages to get a horrid wound in her calf.  Once she escapes the fire, she climbs up into a tree and rests until the careers show up.  While in the tree, Katniss sees a Tracker Jacker's nest. Tracker Jackers are like wasps, only way more deadly.  She decides to attemp cutting down the nest and hope that it falls on top of the carrer group.  Her plan only has one flaw...on the way down she gets a few tracker jacker stings herself.  Some tributes do get killed in this commmotion, which Katniss sees as step closer to the end of this madness.

Things are kinda slow for a bit, until Katniss and Rue (a tribute from district 11) form an alliance. Rue teaches Katniss the history of the Mockingjay ( abird that will be sooo important later on) In this allaince, Katniss and Rue work together to stay alive and devise a plan to invade the careers camp. They come up with this detailed plan in which Rue goes and makes 3 different fires throughout the woods to lure the Careers awat from their camp.  Once away from the camp, Katniss will go up and take all that she can and burn all their food. The plan goes well until Katniss realizes that the camp is like a bomb, one wrong move and the whole area will explode. So, instead of taking anything from the camp, Katniss decides just to blow it up by shooting an arrow into the site.  It exlopdes and she goes deaf in her left ear.

Katniss immediatly goes looking for Rue, she cannot find her until it gets really late, when all of a sudden Katniss hears Rue screaming. She gets to Rue a second to late because when she sees Rue, she also sees the Arrow in her stomach.  In her Fury, Katniss shoots an arrow right through a boy from district 3's chest, killing him instantly. Katniss stays with Rue and holds her hand, knowing that there is nothing she can do but sit and watch her die.  After Rue is dead, Katniss does the unthinkable and shows her respect to another district by covering Rue in flowers so she looked peaceful.  Later on that evening, Katniss receives a grift from District 11 as a form of thanks.  Katniss knows this has never happened before in the Games, so she makes a point to thank Disrtict 11 for their gift out loud so everyone in the country of Panem knows that a unity has been made.  Part II comes to a suspensful end when the announcer comes on and announses that both tributes, if in the same district, can win the Games...

I am at the point now in my book that I literally cannot put it down when I start reading.  I had this section of the book read in probably about 30-45 minutes.  With everything that has happened in this part of the book, I am not surprised that it didn't take me long at all to finish this section. This entire section was filled with action packed scene to action packed scene.  There were absolutely no dry spots, which I loved :) I hate reading a book that is really good in some parts and then so dry in others.  Those types of books always take me ages to read : / I know for a fact though that I will be done with this book within a few days :)

Total pages read: 244/374

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