Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A Royal Wedding is only days away!

aren't they just the cutest?!?!
Yes, Prince William and his fiance Kate Middleton are getting married on Friday! A lot of you guys probably don't really care about what is about to happen in only two days, I mean they live in a whole different country, but I don't really care what you think, I'm excited!. I am so so so into weddings in general, but can you imagine how amazingly beautiful this ROYAL wedding is going to be!! I have been keeping up with the royal couple for a few weeks now, and I must say, I have learned a lot about the royal family and their history.
 The other day lifetime did a 5 part documentary that talked about how William and Kate's relationship went from college friends to the most talked about couple in the world. I did in fact watch his whole thing, it was so good :) Lifetime also made an original movie that was about how the pair met, became friends, and eventually fell in love. The actors that played both Kate and William did a great job of portraying the royal couple :D
   Be sure to DVR the wedding on will be on like every major news channel and it starts at 4a.m!!!!
this is the trailer for the lifetime movie...check it out! I also suggest watching the movie (you can find it on's only like an hour and a half long)

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