Melena's husband, Frex, is getting ready to leave to go see what all the commotion is about the "Time-Dragon Clock". Melena thinks that their baby is going to be born in the evening so she tries to protest and keep Frex from leaving, but he does anyway. On his way to Rush Margins, Frex wonders why the people of Oz enjoy watching the predictions that the Time Dragon clock makes. See, Frex is a religious minister of Munchkinland and does not think the ways of the Time-dragon clock are right. Once in Rush Margins, Frex views the clock for himslef and the prediction that is made that night is one that invloves himself, Melena, and their baby. He has to escape the town becasue the people of Rush margins did not approve of the prediction and set off to kill Frex and his family. Back in Munchkinland, Melena is about to give birth when some neighboors come to help her escape the killers. They sit with her during her birth, but when the baby is born they run away in terror because Melena's new daughter is green...
Melena and Frex do not love baby Elphaba and call for their Nany to return and help take care of Elphaba. Elphaba is an unantural baby, she not only is green but also has a full set of teeth and can comprehend what people are saying even though she cannot talk. For the first few years of Elphaba's lifeher Nanny tries to figure out why she is green. She suspects that Melena was "close" to men other than Frex and that Elphaba may not indeed be gis, but when Nanny confronts Melena about this she ignores her and denies anything Nanny mentions.
When Elphaba has reached age two, Melena starts to act a tad more motherly to her daughter, but not much. One afternoon the two girls are outside eating lunch when a stranger appears. Melena is eleated by the idea of having a male guest in the house, you see, Frex has been away for a long time for work and she needs company of another "normal" person. She offers the man, whose name is Turtle heart, something to eat and drink. They chat for a while and the Melena lures him into her bedroom for a bit of "fun". When frex returns home, he doesn't suspect a thing and welcomes Turtle heart into the family. Turtle heart is the only one in the house who actualyl likes Elphaba. He blows glass toys for her to play with, Toys that she won't break easily. Turtle Heart gets along well with the family, but things change when Melena announces that she is pregnent because no one knows wo baby this is...

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