I really enjoyed listening to all of the senior's interviews...they were very entertaining and interesting! I was actually surprised that so many of them had a pretty good plan for when they graduate. My favorite interview was probably Nathan Rebelo's because he was so sure about what he wants to do with his life. He wants to be an architect, it is his passion and he said that he wants to "put his stamp on society." This stood out to me because he is determined to do something productive so he can get the best out of life. The other thing that I enjoyed about his interview was that he talked about the college he is hoping to go to and how he wants to "spread my wings." I am a lot like this too; my parents want me to stay in Ft. Wayne and go to IPFW for two years, but I want to get away and live on my own and be my own person.
Not all of the students' interviews were very realistic, in fact one girl named Shauna Casale said she could see her self as a big shot movie star in 10 years. I give her props for having such a big dream, I mean who doesn't want to see their name in lights? Even, I have often found myself wanting to be in the spotlight as a big shot on Broadway, But I know that the odds of me ever making it are very slim. So, I just hope that Shauna has a back up and isn't too disappointed if her dream never comes true (I really hope it does though, I admire people with big dreams).
In ten years, I could see myself with a steady teaching job (cross my fingers the the market gets better), maybe I will even be married or at least engaged :) and I want to start off by living in an apartment with a roomate, I think that would be very fun :)
“Books let us into their souls and lay open to us the secrets of our own.” ~William Hazlitt
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Water For Elephants ps. 105-159
by: Sara Gruen
My reading started in modern day, Jacob is an old man. His is grouchy because his nurse, Rosemary, has entered the room to start his day. He explains to Rosemary howmuch he hates that everyone does everything for him all the time and assumes that they know what he wants. So, to try and make him feel better, Rosemary leaves the room only to come back and knock before entering, and asking for his opinion on things. After this, Jacob begins to like Rosemary a lot more.
In Chapter 9 the circus has stopped in their latest town. An abandoned circus is still set up with a few stragglers and animals that were left behind. Uncle Al uses this opportunity to hold "auditions" for some new freaks to add to his show. Later that day, Unlce Al tells August, Marlena, and Jacob that he has a huge surprise....he bought an elephant! Sugust nearly blows up when he hears this and the fact that they spent all of their extra money on a trailer car for the elephant.
Jacob suffers his first real hangover in chapter 10 when he attends a party that his bunkmate, Kinko( later known as Walter), is throwing. He is upset about his conflicting feelings that he has toward Marlena so he gets pretty wasted. While he is in this drunken stupor, two of the circus's more prurient women thought it would be nice to have a little "fun" with Jacob. He ends up barfing on one of the girls. Jacob wakes up the next moring to find out that the previous night was planned by Kinko to get back at him for taking up some of his "space". Later that day, Jacob officially meets the elephant for the first time. Her name is Rosie and he learns that she does not respond if she i sbeaten or whipped, she likes to be talked to like a human being.
In Chapter 11, Jacob is invited to go to a speakeasie wih Marlena and August. You can tell that Marlena is aggrivated with August because when he goes to get more drinks hse pulls Jacob in for a dance. During their dance, the cops intrude and Marlena and Jacob get separated from August. In an alley behind the club, Jacob kisses Marlena. She runs away mortified and Jacob wanders aimlessly through the town untiul he eventually makes it back to the circus area. The next morning at breakfast, Jacob can tell that August knows about what happened becasue he pretty much says that if Jacob ever tries that again he will kill him...
I really am enjoying this book even though I can't really tell you what it is about. So many things happen that I don't think there is a specific plot. I am also really confused as to why the book is called water for elephants...I'm halfway done with the book and the elephant just now appeared...strange. Oh well, I guess I will have to keep reading ot see what happens next....
My reading started in modern day, Jacob is an old man. His is grouchy because his nurse, Rosemary, has entered the room to start his day. He explains to Rosemary howmuch he hates that everyone does everything for him all the time and assumes that they know what he wants. So, to try and make him feel better, Rosemary leaves the room only to come back and knock before entering, and asking for his opinion on things. After this, Jacob begins to like Rosemary a lot more.
In Chapter 9 the circus has stopped in their latest town. An abandoned circus is still set up with a few stragglers and animals that were left behind. Uncle Al uses this opportunity to hold "auditions" for some new freaks to add to his show. Later that day, Unlce Al tells August, Marlena, and Jacob that he has a huge surprise....he bought an elephant! Sugust nearly blows up when he hears this and the fact that they spent all of their extra money on a trailer car for the elephant.
Jacob suffers his first real hangover in chapter 10 when he attends a party that his bunkmate, Kinko( later known as Walter), is throwing. He is upset about his conflicting feelings that he has toward Marlena so he gets pretty wasted. While he is in this drunken stupor, two of the circus's more prurient women thought it would be nice to have a little "fun" with Jacob. He ends up barfing on one of the girls. Jacob wakes up the next moring to find out that the previous night was planned by Kinko to get back at him for taking up some of his "space". Later that day, Jacob officially meets the elephant for the first time. Her name is Rosie and he learns that she does not respond if she i sbeaten or whipped, she likes to be talked to like a human being.
In Chapter 11, Jacob is invited to go to a speakeasie wih Marlena and August. You can tell that Marlena is aggrivated with August because when he goes to get more drinks hse pulls Jacob in for a dance. During their dance, the cops intrude and Marlena and Jacob get separated from August. In an alley behind the club, Jacob kisses Marlena. She runs away mortified and Jacob wanders aimlessly through the town untiul he eventually makes it back to the circus area. The next morning at breakfast, Jacob can tell that August knows about what happened becasue he pretty much says that if Jacob ever tries that again he will kill him...
I really am enjoying this book even though I can't really tell you what it is about. So many things happen that I don't think there is a specific plot. I am also really confused as to why the book is called water for elephants...I'm halfway done with the book and the elephant just now appeared...strange. Oh well, I guess I will have to keep reading ot see what happens next....
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Some Pretty Awesome things
There's this cool website that has a list of 1000 awesome things..the site itself is pretty awesome! Here are a few of the items on the list that I think are pretty cool and would put on my own list of awesome things:
- Eating the thing you're cooking while you're cooking it-I don't know about you guys, but whenever I make cookies I think I eat half of the batch before it's even been baked yet!
- Seeing a dog or cat chasing its own tail-this is just too funny!
- Finally finding the start ofthis stupid roll of tape-it's so aggrivating!
- Forgetting you ordered something in the mail then having it randomly show up
- Rubbing your eyes at the end of the day-this happens to me a lot because my contacts gets so dry
- making a baby laugh-this probably makes me the most happy out of anything
- When little kids hit the age when they say "hi" to everyone-it's so adorable!
- When you're sleeping and the sounds around you turn into dreamsthis happens to me almost every morning when my alarm goes off
- Showing old people how to do something on the computer
- Jumping through the sprinkler in your bathing suit
- Smell of a lbrary-if I could bottle up the scent of Barnes and Noble and spray it in my room, I would
- clean baby smell
- Saying "see you next year" to everyone on News Years eve and laughing hysterically-i do this every year and it never gets old ;)
- seeing old people hold hands-it's so cute :)
An amazing 3rd quarter....
Wow! We only have one quarter left until we're SENIORS!! I have had so much fun in etymology this quarter and have learned so so so much! I officially believe that I can successfully write one heck of an essay now...well descriptive ones at least :D Not only have I been open to more "fancy" adjectives, but I have also broadened my vocabulary skills (even though sometimes the tests are agony). I actually think that this class helped me on my SAT (which is good cuz that's why I am taking it). On the test, I was extremely confident when it came to the grammar and vocab sections. There were words that we studied on the test!!
The other thing I have absolutely loved doing this quarter is all of my reading. I am a book nerd, I love love love reading!! Some of my favorite books I have read were The Hunger Games, Sundays at Tiffany's, and Beastly. I also am so into the book I am currently reading. I have discovered this quarter that I mainly enjoy reading pop fiction. In this pop fiction genre, I've noticed that I mainly love reading books that are or will become movies. About half of the books I've read are already movies or will eventually become movies.
For the fourth quarter I am going to try and read more novels by the author Jodi Picoult. She has a new book out called Sing You Home. It looks very interesting :) A friend of mine also recommended that I read this book called Atonement. She said it was very good and it takes place "back in the day". I love books that take place in the olden days....most particularly from the 1920s-present.
I am looking forward to what's to come in the future of this class!!
The other thing I have absolutely loved doing this quarter is all of my reading. I am a book nerd, I love love love reading!! Some of my favorite books I have read were The Hunger Games, Sundays at Tiffany's, and Beastly. I also am so into the book I am currently reading. I have discovered this quarter that I mainly enjoy reading pop fiction. In this pop fiction genre, I've noticed that I mainly love reading books that are or will become movies. About half of the books I've read are already movies or will eventually become movies.
For the fourth quarter I am going to try and read more novels by the author Jodi Picoult. She has a new book out called Sing You Home. It looks very interesting :) A friend of mine also recommended that I read this book called Atonement. She said it was very good and it takes place "back in the day". I love books that take place in the olden days....most particularly from the 1920s-present.
I am looking forward to what's to come in the future of this class!!
Friday, March 18, 2011
Gleecap of "Original Song"
Ohhh myyy Goodd...last night's Glee was EPIC! They sang original songs..I have been waiting for this day since I first started watching the show.
Once again Rachel tried writing her own song, this time it was called "Only Child", Finn told her that she was improving, but it still wasn't regional material. While this was happening, Quinn was telling us why she wanted to be with Finn...so she can be Prom Queen. (yeah now I definitely don't like her). She kept saying that she needed to keep Rachel away from Finn, and that you need to keep your friends close, but your enemies closer. She then ended by saying "Well, Rachel Berry, you just got yourself a new best friend." Later, Quinn told Finn that after Regionals they were going to go public with their relationship and start campaigning for Prom Queen and King. Personally, I think Finn is a bit of an idiot for not realizing that the only reason Quinn wants to be with him is so she can get a shiny crown.
Meanwhile, at Dalton Academy, Blaine suggests that they should sing a duet at regionals. The glee board agrees and they all vote to have Kurt sing with Blaine. Later, Blaine tells Kurt that he wants to do this duet with him so he can spend more time with Kurt. Then he kisses him!! This part was really awkward (Darren's lips are huge lol), but I was so happy for Kurt because he finally got his happy ending :)
Once again Rachel tried writing her own song, this time it was called "Only Child", Finn told her that she was improving, but it still wasn't regional material. While this was happening, Quinn was telling us why she wanted to be with Finn...so she can be Prom Queen. (yeah now I definitely don't like her). She kept saying that she needed to keep Rachel away from Finn, and that you need to keep your friends close, but your enemies closer. She then ended by saying "Well, Rachel Berry, you just got yourself a new best friend." Later, Quinn told Finn that after Regionals they were going to go public with their relationship and start campaigning for Prom Queen and King. Personally, I think Finn is a bit of an idiot for not realizing that the only reason Quinn wants to be with him is so she can get a shiny crown.
Meanwhile, at Dalton Academy, Blaine suggests that they should sing a duet at regionals. The glee board agrees and they all vote to have Kurt sing with Blaine. Later, Blaine tells Kurt that he wants to do this duet with him so he can spend more time with Kurt. Then he kisses him!! This part was really awkward (Darren's lips are huge lol), but I was so happy for Kurt because he finally got his happy ending :)
Back at McKinley High the glee clubbers are hard at work on writing their own original songs for regionals. Santana writes one for Sam called "Trouty Mouth," Puck writes one for his girlfriend called "Big ass..heart," and Mercedes writes one called "Hell to the No" (this one was actually really good). Mr. Shue tries to explain to the club that most songs are written about something that hurts someone, so they get talking about how Sue has hurt them. They end up writing a song called "Loser like Me". While this is going on, Rachel and Quinn are in the auditorium trying to write a song together. Rachel had heard Quinn talking with Finn in the hallway and asked Quinn to tell her the truth. Quinn explains (rather rudely) that she is going to marry Finn and they are going to raise a family and that Rachel does not fit anywhere in the picture. Heartbroken, Rachel goes home and writes a beautiful song called "Get it Right".
At the competition, Sue's glee club sings some song about Jesus. The Warblers sing the song "Candles", alone Kurt and Blaine are amazing singers, but together they sound icky :(. Right before New Directions goes on stage Rachel tells Finn to listen closely to the lyrics in her song because she means every word. They basically blow the audience away and, yes it has finally happened, GLEE MAKES IT TO NATIONALS!!!!! I am so happy!! :D So, Glee is on a "break" right now and won't be back until after Spring Break...so sad :(
The above video is Rachel's song "Get it Right"
The below video is the song "Loser Like Me"
Thursday, March 17, 2011
No Day But Today
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Renee Elise Goldsberry: she is my favorite Mimi |

Anyways....the reason I wanted to make this blog was not to show you all how crazy in love I am with RENT, but to announce that IT WILL BE RETURNING TO NEW YORK CITY ON JULY 14th!!! I am so excited (I bet you couldn't tell). See, the show had its last Broadway performance in 2008 and they did this huge thing on Tony's. Usually when a show leaves Broadway it is YEARS before it comes back. Take West Side Story for example, it was on Broadway ages ago and now it's back. Well, I never thought RENT would be back in only 3 years! The only bummer is that it's not technically going to be on Broadway, the thing that I read said it's going to be an "off-Broadway" production. If and when I go to see it in New York, I don't really think that I will care where exactly it is located :)
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Mark and Roger...the're roomate and Best Friends :) |
I decided to blog about this today because tomorrow the auditions start. Just think, while we're at school trudging through our day, hundreds of people will be auditioning for the chance to play the unforgettable characters Mark, Roger, Mimi, Maureen, Joanne, Collins, or Angel. I am looking forward to finding out who the cast will be :) Ahhhh! I just am so excited!!
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Roger and Mimi :) My favorite pair |
Water for Elephants Pgs. 70-104
By: Sara Gruen
In Chapter 6 Jacob examines Marlena's horse, Silver Star. He says that she has a foundering hoof, and that it will be a long time until she can perform again, if ever. Uncle Al is outraged by this and tells Jacob that if he wants to stay on with this circus he better "fix that d**** horse" (wow someone's got some anger issues...). Because of Silver Star's illness, Uncle Al makes declares that this city just won't get to see the circus, so they pack up and move out. Halfway to their next stop, the train stops so the workers can feed the animals. August asks Jacob to help him feed the cats (the lions, tigers, and panthers). The food is rotten and disgusting and Jacob tries to tell August that they can't feed the animals this. August tells him that this is all they've got. When they get to the cat den, Jacob nearly gets his arm ripped off by a lion named Rex. Luckily he didn't have any teeth, so it just bruised him really bad.
In Chapter 7 Jacob gets invited to go have dinner with Marlena and August in their train car. At the dinner, they all get pretty drunk and there is this moment when August gets this glassy look and looks like he is going to hurt Marlena just before he passes out. Marlena tells Jacob that August has a "problem" but won't say what the problem actually is. The next day, Jacob tells Marlena that he is probably going to have to put Silver Star down. They have a moment when Marlena starts balling and Jacob is there to comfort her (foreshadowing??)
I really like this book even though it has some pretty gruesome details. As I read about the conditions that Jacob, the workers, and even the animals live in, I can't help but get a little sick to my stomach. It's just disgusting to think that they serve the animals rotten food. I think I detected some foreshadowing with two different parts in these two chapters. First, when August gets that look where he wants to hurt Marlena and second, when Marlena and Jacob have their "moment". I can't help but wonder if Marlena and Jacob are going to have an affair because of something that August did to hurt Marlena. I guess I will jsut have to keep reading to find out.......
In Chapter 6 Jacob examines Marlena's horse, Silver Star. He says that she has a foundering hoof, and that it will be a long time until she can perform again, if ever. Uncle Al is outraged by this and tells Jacob that if he wants to stay on with this circus he better "fix that d**** horse" (wow someone's got some anger issues...). Because of Silver Star's illness, Uncle Al makes declares that this city just won't get to see the circus, so they pack up and move out. Halfway to their next stop, the train stops so the workers can feed the animals. August asks Jacob to help him feed the cats (the lions, tigers, and panthers). The food is rotten and disgusting and Jacob tries to tell August that they can't feed the animals this. August tells him that this is all they've got. When they get to the cat den, Jacob nearly gets his arm ripped off by a lion named Rex. Luckily he didn't have any teeth, so it just bruised him really bad.
In Chapter 7 Jacob gets invited to go have dinner with Marlena and August in their train car. At the dinner, they all get pretty drunk and there is this moment when August gets this glassy look and looks like he is going to hurt Marlena just before he passes out. Marlena tells Jacob that August has a "problem" but won't say what the problem actually is. The next day, Jacob tells Marlena that he is probably going to have to put Silver Star down. They have a moment when Marlena starts balling and Jacob is there to comfort her (foreshadowing??)
I really like this book even though it has some pretty gruesome details. As I read about the conditions that Jacob, the workers, and even the animals live in, I can't help but get a little sick to my stomach. It's just disgusting to think that they serve the animals rotten food. I think I detected some foreshadowing with two different parts in these two chapters. First, when August gets that look where he wants to hurt Marlena and second, when Marlena and Jacob have their "moment". I can't help but wonder if Marlena and Jacob are going to have an affair because of something that August did to hurt Marlena. I guess I will jsut have to keep reading to find out.......
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Picture books...stories that everyone love!
There is this pretty cool website that has a time line of picture books, going all the way back to 1658...wow that's a long time!! I am absolutely obsessed with picture books, I have loved them ever since I was little. The first picture book that I could read to my mom was The Hungary Caterpillar by Eric Carl. One day, I plan on writing and publishing my own picture books. I have a notebook full of different ideas. Right now I am planning a story that will be about a five year old girl named Peggie and her best friend Johnny. They have big imaginations and love going on adventures. I just wish I had more free time to actually sit down and try to actually write something.
Anyway, back to the site:
I actually know quite a few of the books on the time line, Some of my favorites include:
Anyway, back to the site:
I actually know quite a few of the books on the time line, Some of my favorites include:
The Tale of Peter Rabbit
Madeline (I love these books!!)
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
The Velveteen Rabbit
And to Think I saw it on Mulberry Street(my grandma and I read this together all the time)
Curious George
Harold and the Purple Crayon
The Cat in the Hat
Little Bear
Little Blue and Little Yellow
Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?
The Very Hungary Caterpillar
Frog and Toad are Friends
Alexander and the Terrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
The Polar Express
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
I never realized how old some of these stories are, I mean the first book I recognized was The Tale of Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter in 1902.That's over 100 years ago!! I also noticed that most of these stories have been made in to children's tv shows and movies. Take Little Bear for example, I remember my mom reading the stories to me, but I am more familiar with the television show. I used to watch it literally every day. Actually, I am guilty of still watching it nowadays whenever I see that it is on tv.
I had so much fun looking at all of these books...and who knows maybe in the future one of my picture books will be on the time line :)
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Water For Elephants pgs. 1-69
by: Sara Gruen
This book is a little confusing because some of the chapters are told from when Jacob Jankowski (the main character) is an old man, and then the other chapters are told from when Jacob is young, when he is working in the circus. The book starts with a prologue of when Jacob is working with the circus awhen all of the animals got out The prologue ends with Jacob witnessing the elephant rider, Marlena, take a club and hit some guy on the head with it.
Chapter 1 flashes to "present day" when Jacob is ninety..or ninety three (he doesn't know). He is next to these old ladies who are gazing out the window watching as people are setting up for the circus that's coming to town.Later that day during lunch, Jacob gets into an argument with this old guy over whether or not you can carry water for elephants. The nurses send Jacob to his room to take a break and calm down..
Chapters 2 & 3 are flashbacks to 1931 while Jacob is in a veterinary class in college. He is called out to the hall to be informed that his parents have gotten killed in an automobile accident. After he buries his parents, Jacob kind of goes crazy and walks out during his final exams. While walking near a train track he hops onto a car that just happens to belong to a traveling circus. While on the car he meets Camel, Blackie, and Grady. They all work for the circus and say that they will help him get a job. In Chapter 4, Jacob meets uncle Al, the ring master, and gets a job taking care of the animals. That night Jacob sees an image of his mother, almost like a ghost...
Chapter 5, It's present day again and Jacob's nurses have brought a doctor in to see why Jacob has been so grouchy. The doctor says that Jacob is clinically depressed and gives him an anti depressant. Jacob refuses to take the pill, but his nurses informs him that is he won't take the pill then they will give him the medicine through the form of a shot, so eventually he reluctantly takes the pill....
This book is a little confusing because some of the chapters are told from when Jacob Jankowski (the main character) is an old man, and then the other chapters are told from when Jacob is young, when he is working in the circus. The book starts with a prologue of when Jacob is working with the circus awhen all of the animals got out The prologue ends with Jacob witnessing the elephant rider, Marlena, take a club and hit some guy on the head with it.
Chapter 1 flashes to "present day" when Jacob is ninety..or ninety three (he doesn't know). He is next to these old ladies who are gazing out the window watching as people are setting up for the circus that's coming to town.Later that day during lunch, Jacob gets into an argument with this old guy over whether or not you can carry water for elephants. The nurses send Jacob to his room to take a break and calm down..
Chapters 2 & 3 are flashbacks to 1931 while Jacob is in a veterinary class in college. He is called out to the hall to be informed that his parents have gotten killed in an automobile accident. After he buries his parents, Jacob kind of goes crazy and walks out during his final exams. While walking near a train track he hops onto a car that just happens to belong to a traveling circus. While on the car he meets Camel, Blackie, and Grady. They all work for the circus and say that they will help him get a job. In Chapter 4, Jacob meets uncle Al, the ring master, and gets a job taking care of the animals. That night Jacob sees an image of his mother, almost like a ghost...
Chapter 5, It's present day again and Jacob's nurses have brought a doctor in to see why Jacob has been so grouchy. The doctor says that Jacob is clinically depressed and gives him an anti depressant. Jacob refuses to take the pill, but his nurses informs him that is he won't take the pill then they will give him the medicine through the form of a shot, so eventually he reluctantly takes the pill....
I am reading this book because it is going to be a movie with Robert pattinson and Reese Witherspoon; I think it is coming out sometime this summer. A lot of adults I know have read it and said it is really good, and so far I definitely agree. It is kind of confusing because it is constantly going back and forth, but the more I get into it the more I start to understand what's going on. I am anxious to see how everything plays out because of what happened in the prologue. I think that was a really good way to start the book because it introduced the signifcant characters and set up some drama, I want to know who the man that Marlena clubbed was, and if Jacob and Marlena have like a thing for each other. I also am anxious to see when the elephants are included, because so far there are no elephants at all...
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Take me Baby...or Leave me!
This is the song "Take me or leave me" sung by Rachel and Mercedes in the Justin Beiber episode of Glee during their "diva off." The song is originally sung in the hit musical RENT. Other than Wicked, Rent is my favorite musical. I am going to see the civic performance of it this Saturday, so I have been rent obsessed this week. I have all of the music on my ipod and the last live performance from Broadway. The other day I watched the live performance (it is so good!). Anyway, because of my obsession, I remembered that they did a Rent song on Glee! I mean, how perfect is that!! First, they did "Defying Gravity" from Wicked and now they did a rent song....this show is just perfect!!
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Beastly...pgs 1-40
by: Alex Flinn
Kyle Kingsbury is the hottest, richest, and definitely the most popular guy in school. Everyone wants to be his friend even though he is a total jerk. His motto is that if you're ugly, you're not worthy. So, he isn't surprised when he finds out that he is on his school's royal court for their upcoming dance. During Kyle's English class, when everyone is voting for who they want to be their prince and princess, a new girl named Kendra makes a point to say how disgusting it is that people have a vote on who they they think are the hottest people in school. Kyle gets angered by this an totally goes off on Kendra. Kendra just takes the blows and tells Kyle that he may look great on the outside, but on the inside he is beastly. Kyle is bothered by what Kendra says all day and decides to get back to her by asking her to the dance, but actually go with this complete skank named sloane. Kendra agrees to go and asks for a rose corsage and also says that it would just be best to meet at the dance. Kyle loves how she is almost playing along with his scheme. On the night of the dance, he tries to give sloane the rose corsage, but she calls it tacky and refuses to wear it. Two petals fall of the rose and Kyle puts them into his pocket. At the dance, Kyle sees Kendra and starts making out with sloane right in front of her. Kyle and Sloane laugh and Kendra and call her mean names, but Kendra just stands there and says that Kyle will one day be punished for his heartlessness. Kyle gets so mad at this little comment and can't even enjoy himself when he is crowned Prince with Sloane as his princess. Once he gets home, he is surprised to see Kendra sitting on his bed. Kendra explains that she is a witch and is here to punish Kyle for his lack of a heart. She turns him into a beast and tells him he has two years o find someone to love him for what's on the inside and not his looks, and in return he must love the girl back with all of his heart....
Alex Flinn is an author who takes the classic fairy tales we have all come to know and love and puts a modern twist on them. Beastly is her twist on, you guessed it, Beauty and the Beast. She also wrote a story called A Kiss in Time, a twist on the story Sleeping Beauty. I love fairy tales whether they are classic or current., so I am pretty sure I am going to love love love this book!
Kyle Kingsbury is the hottest, richest, and definitely the most popular guy in school. Everyone wants to be his friend even though he is a total jerk. His motto is that if you're ugly, you're not worthy. So, he isn't surprised when he finds out that he is on his school's royal court for their upcoming dance. During Kyle's English class, when everyone is voting for who they want to be their prince and princess, a new girl named Kendra makes a point to say how disgusting it is that people have a vote on who they they think are the hottest people in school. Kyle gets angered by this an totally goes off on Kendra. Kendra just takes the blows and tells Kyle that he may look great on the outside, but on the inside he is beastly. Kyle is bothered by what Kendra says all day and decides to get back to her by asking her to the dance, but actually go with this complete skank named sloane. Kendra agrees to go and asks for a rose corsage and also says that it would just be best to meet at the dance. Kyle loves how she is almost playing along with his scheme. On the night of the dance, he tries to give sloane the rose corsage, but she calls it tacky and refuses to wear it. Two petals fall of the rose and Kyle puts them into his pocket. At the dance, Kyle sees Kendra and starts making out with sloane right in front of her. Kyle and Sloane laugh and Kendra and call her mean names, but Kendra just stands there and says that Kyle will one day be punished for his heartlessness. Kyle gets so mad at this little comment and can't even enjoy himself when he is crowned Prince with Sloane as his princess. Once he gets home, he is surprised to see Kendra sitting on his bed. Kendra explains that she is a witch and is here to punish Kyle for his lack of a heart. She turns him into a beast and tells him he has two years o find someone to love him for what's on the inside and not his looks, and in return he must love the girl back with all of his heart....
Alex Flinn is an author who takes the classic fairy tales we have all come to know and love and puts a modern twist on them. Beastly is her twist on, you guessed it, Beauty and the Beast. She also wrote a story called A Kiss in Time, a twist on the story Sleeping Beauty. I love fairy tales whether they are classic or current., so I am pretty sure I am going to love love love this book!
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Spellbound S-P-E-L-L-B-O-U-N-D Spellbound
Spellbound is a documentary about a group of pre-teens and teenagers who are competing to win the 1999 National Spelling Bee. Each participant had their own ways of preparing fir the spelling bee and had their own motivations on wining. Two characters that stood out to me are Neil and Emily. They both were super excited about making the bee, but they both had completely different motivations for preparing and whether or not they would win.
Neil: Neil was extremely motivated and had all these different techniques for spelling his words correctly. He believed that he really was going to win and was very determined to spell every word correctly. I believe he got his motivations from his father, Rajesh. Rajesh quizzed Neil so many times that I think Neil could probably spell each word forward and backward.Neil most likely got all of his confidence from his dad. In the interviews, Rajesh kept talking about how Neil was going to win it all.
Emily:Emily was also motivated for winning the bee, but I think she did not have quite he same motivation as Neil did. Sure she studied and had the support of her parents, but she still remained somewhat "normal". Based on her interviews, I could tell that she dedicated a LOT of time to spelling, but I could tell that it wasn't her entire life because she kept saying that she is excited for the bee to be over so that she can just do whatever she wants and not have to worry about learning how to spell words. For her motivations about winning, I don't think she had quite as much confidence as Neil did. In the interviews, she kept saying how cool it would be if she won, but she didn't talk like she was going to win. She would just say "oh I hope I can make it past such and such a round, if I can do that I will be happy."
PREDICTION: I think that Emily is going to win the Bee...anyone else think so too?
Neil: Neil was extremely motivated and had all these different techniques for spelling his words correctly. He believed that he really was going to win and was very determined to spell every word correctly. I believe he got his motivations from his father, Rajesh. Rajesh quizzed Neil so many times that I think Neil could probably spell each word forward and backward.Neil most likely got all of his confidence from his dad. In the interviews, Rajesh kept talking about how Neil was going to win it all.
Emily:Emily was also motivated for winning the bee, but I think she did not have quite he same motivation as Neil did. Sure she studied and had the support of her parents, but she still remained somewhat "normal". Based on her interviews, I could tell that she dedicated a LOT of time to spelling, but I could tell that it wasn't her entire life because she kept saying that she is excited for the bee to be over so that she can just do whatever she wants and not have to worry about learning how to spell words. For her motivations about winning, I don't think she had quite as much confidence as Neil did. In the interviews, she kept saying how cool it would be if she won, but she didn't talk like she was going to win. She would just say "oh I hope I can make it past such and such a round, if I can do that I will be happy."
PREDICTION: I think that Emily is going to win the Bee...anyone else think so too?
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Bright Young Things pgs. 1-25
By: Anna Godbersen
It's May 1929, the last summer of the roaring twenties. Cordelia Grey is about to get married to a man named John. She is 18 years old, an orphan living with her Aunt Ida, and a recent high school graduate. She doesn't really want to get married so she asks her friend, Letty Larkspur, to run away to New York City with her. Letty is from a somewhat normal family. She has a father and two younger sisters. Her mother has passed away and her father is still grieving. He doesn't let Letty live her life, so when Cordelia asked her to run away she didn't even think twice, she got her suitcase packed and walked out the front door. They nearly miss their train to New York City but get on at the last second. While on the train Cordelia and Letty talk about what they want to accomplish in New York. Cordelia hopes to find her father. All she knows is that she was born in NYC and that her father abandoned her. Letty hopes to become a famous singer and actress on Broadway.
I decided to read this book for two reasons: 1) I read this author's other series called The Luxe. It's about upper class socialites in the late 19th century. I was hooked and fascinated throughout the entire series. 2) In my APUSH class, we are learning about the roaring 20s and the great depression. So, I thought it would be cool to read this book. Anna Godbersen usually writes about historically accurate events and writes as if she actually lived in this day and age. I also am excited to read this book because the 1920's is my favorite decade. If I could have been born in a previous life, I would have defiantly wanted to be a flapper in the 20's. I just love how much new technology was developed, how women got more rights, and how America became all around more social. I sometimes believe that I wasn't meant to live in this day and age because I love dresses (like the old fashioned kind), and I sometimes think the way women back in the day thought. I think I would have done better living back in the 20's or 40's, but I do love living my life in the era of new technology :)
It's May 1929, the last summer of the roaring twenties. Cordelia Grey is about to get married to a man named John. She is 18 years old, an orphan living with her Aunt Ida, and a recent high school graduate. She doesn't really want to get married so she asks her friend, Letty Larkspur, to run away to New York City with her. Letty is from a somewhat normal family. She has a father and two younger sisters. Her mother has passed away and her father is still grieving. He doesn't let Letty live her life, so when Cordelia asked her to run away she didn't even think twice, she got her suitcase packed and walked out the front door. They nearly miss their train to New York City but get on at the last second. While on the train Cordelia and Letty talk about what they want to accomplish in New York. Cordelia hopes to find her father. All she knows is that she was born in NYC and that her father abandoned her. Letty hopes to become a famous singer and actress on Broadway.
I decided to read this book for two reasons: 1) I read this author's other series called The Luxe. It's about upper class socialites in the late 19th century. I was hooked and fascinated throughout the entire series. 2) In my APUSH class, we are learning about the roaring 20s and the great depression. So, I thought it would be cool to read this book. Anna Godbersen usually writes about historically accurate events and writes as if she actually lived in this day and age. I also am excited to read this book because the 1920's is my favorite decade. If I could have been born in a previous life, I would have defiantly wanted to be a flapper in the 20's. I just love how much new technology was developed, how women got more rights, and how America became all around more social. I sometimes believe that I wasn't meant to live in this day and age because I love dresses (like the old fashioned kind), and I sometimes think the way women back in the day thought. I think I would have done better living back in the 20's or 40's, but I do love living my life in the era of new technology :)
3.1 diction exercise
Words with Pizazz:
rate meal
fat cocktails
pasture greener
speedometers sharp
Elements of Diction:
Elevation- HIGH: pasture, speedometers, cocktails MEDIUM: sharp, meal, greener LOW: fat, rate
Connotation- Frank O'Hara's poem Animals has a very poetic meaning. Its passionate descriptions show that it is a love poem.
Concretness- This poem is very abstract and hypothetical.
My Claim:
The way Frank O'Hara's compassionate words and phrases seem to jump off the page express the romantic atmosphere that the two lovers are enjoying together.
rate meal
fat cocktails
pasture greener
speedometers sharp
Elements of Diction:
Elevation- HIGH: pasture, speedometers, cocktails MEDIUM: sharp, meal, greener LOW: fat, rate
Connotation- Frank O'Hara's poem Animals has a very poetic meaning. Its passionate descriptions show that it is a love poem.
Concretness- This poem is very abstract and hypothetical.
My Claim:
The way Frank O'Hara's compassionate words and phrases seem to jump off the page express the romantic atmosphere that the two lovers are enjoying together.
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