I would like to introduce you all to the world of http://www.mugglenet.com/ and http://twilightsource.com/ !!
First let me talk about Mugglenet.com. This of course is the Harry Potter website, anyone who is familiar with the books and maybe even the movies know that this has to be the Harry Potter site because muggle is what we, humans, are called by the wizards. Anyways, I encourage you to check out this site if you are fellow fan of everything Harry Potter, like me ;)
This website is cool because it's run by these college guys who are total computer wizards (no pun intended). The site isn't like you average fan site either. You know, those ones that put every little piece of news out there, and more times than not the stuff they post isn't even true...Well, this site is nothing like that. It's totally legit. The site has a bunch of other things to look at other than the news posts. For example, there is a section labeled books and if you click on this section, it will give you a whole list of things to read that are either about J.K Rowling or the books themselves. My personal favorites to read are called Funny excerpts and Mistakes we've found.
The best part about this website is that some of the guys do a podcast called Mugglecast. I love the guys that do them, they are so hilarious. The podcast is also legit because it is ranked the #1 Harry Potter Podcast on Itunes. I really advise listening to it :D
Not only am I a huge Harry Potter fan, but I also love Twilight! This website is the go to place for all of you Twi-hards (like myself). This site is set up a lot like mugglenet (see above), and I'm pretty sure it's because the guy who started this site works on the mugglenet site as well. The only bummer about this site is that due to the lack of Twilight news lately, there really aren't that many news stories, but I am positive that things will get a rollin later this year when Breaking Dawn (Scheduled to release the day AFTER my birthday...how awesome is that?!?!) starts getting people all hyped up :)
This site also has a podcast to go with it. The podcast is called imprint and it also the #1 Twilight podcast on Itunes....so as you can see, both twilightsource and mugglenet are pretty good fan sites!
If you are a fan of either Twilight and/or Harry Potter check out the sites and leave me a comment with your thoughts :) I'm anxious to hear if you find them as enjoyable as I do.
“Books let us into their souls and lay open to us the secrets of our own.” ~William Hazlitt
Monday, January 31, 2011
The Princess Diaries Volume III: Princess in Love...pgs. 1-82
by: Meg Cabot
It's Mia's first thanksgiving...her first thanksgiving with her new step dad (aka her algebra teacher) and as a princess that is. Mia talks all about how she has to get up super early so she, her mom, and Mr. G could drive all the way to Long Island to have thanksgiving dinner with her new step-grandparents. After that, she had to get all dressed up in a ballgown to go and have her first "royal" thanksgiving with her dad and grandmother at the Plaza Hotel. Let's just say she had an exhausting day.
Once Mia is finished explaining her detailed thanksgiving day, she goes right into telling us about her new boyfriend Kenny. She explains that she doesn't even like Kenny (as a boyfriend) and that she actually is like in love with someone else. Her best friend Lilly's older brother, Michael. Anyways, she talks about how she's waited practically her whole life to get a boyfriend, and now that she has one she doesn't even want him to kiss her. The only reason she is keeping Kenny around is because she doesn't want to hurt his feelings, she needs help for her biology final, and she wants to go to the Christmas dance with a date (but he hasn't even asked her yet). The next thing she writes in her diary about is when she, Kenny, Lilly and her boyfriend, and Tina and her boyfriend all went ice skating at Rockefeller center. Mia got super upset when Michael showed up at the ice rink with some girl named Judith. Mia instantly gets that feeling of pure jealousy toward Judith.
The next day, Kenny calls Mia to ask how her tongue was doing (see, she fell while ice skating and bit it really hard, so it's been a little sore) and before her hung up, he told Mia that he loves her. Mia didn't know how to respond, so she just said "well, um, okay". and hung up. She felt bad, but not bad enough to tell Kenny that she loves him too. At school the next day, Mia tells Lilly what Kenny said to her, but Lilly doesn't believe her. So, she confides in Tina, who does believe her. Tina asks Mia whether or not she loves Kenny back and Mia was brutally honest and told Tina all about her HUGE crush on Michael. Tina was all like "oooh! I knew it!" and was totally and completely supportive of Mia. After her little talk with Tina, Mia decides that it's time to break up with Kenny once and for all...well she plans on doing this until her princess lesson with her grandmother changes her mind.
At the lesson, Mia's grandmother notices that something is going on with Mia and orders Mia to tell her what is the matter. Mia explains her whole situation with Kenny and her grandmother basically told her it would be wrong to break up with Kenny right before finals because it might influence his grades and he could fail. Well, Mia had never thought of that before, so she decides that she will wait until after the Christmas dance (that is if Kenny ever decides to ask her) before she breaks up with him.
I am absolutely loving this book so far, it is probably my favorite one yet :) See, I am such a romantic, so I knew that I was going to love this book right from when I read the title. I mean it's got the word LOVE in it, so you know it's going to be good! For some strange reason I find love drama extremely fascinating. My favorite kind of books always involve a character who has serious love life drama. And boy does Mia have drama in this one. I mean, she's dating a total dweeb, but is in love with this hottie who just happens to be her best friends older brother, so it's not like she can talk boys to Lilly...talk about AWKWARD! And what about this Judith girl? Michael can't seriously be into her, but still, Mia thinks he is, so now she's all paranoid that she and Michael will never get to be together. Ahhh...drama :) I can't wait to see how things play out in the end!
It's Mia's first thanksgiving...her first thanksgiving with her new step dad (aka her algebra teacher) and as a princess that is. Mia talks all about how she has to get up super early so she, her mom, and Mr. G could drive all the way to Long Island to have thanksgiving dinner with her new step-grandparents. After that, she had to get all dressed up in a ballgown to go and have her first "royal" thanksgiving with her dad and grandmother at the Plaza Hotel. Let's just say she had an exhausting day.
Once Mia is finished explaining her detailed thanksgiving day, she goes right into telling us about her new boyfriend Kenny. She explains that she doesn't even like Kenny (as a boyfriend) and that she actually is like in love with someone else. Her best friend Lilly's older brother, Michael. Anyways, she talks about how she's waited practically her whole life to get a boyfriend, and now that she has one she doesn't even want him to kiss her. The only reason she is keeping Kenny around is because she doesn't want to hurt his feelings, she needs help for her biology final, and she wants to go to the Christmas dance with a date (but he hasn't even asked her yet). The next thing she writes in her diary about is when she, Kenny, Lilly and her boyfriend, and Tina and her boyfriend all went ice skating at Rockefeller center. Mia got super upset when Michael showed up at the ice rink with some girl named Judith. Mia instantly gets that feeling of pure jealousy toward Judith.
The next day, Kenny calls Mia to ask how her tongue was doing (see, she fell while ice skating and bit it really hard, so it's been a little sore) and before her hung up, he told Mia that he loves her. Mia didn't know how to respond, so she just said "well, um, okay". and hung up. She felt bad, but not bad enough to tell Kenny that she loves him too. At school the next day, Mia tells Lilly what Kenny said to her, but Lilly doesn't believe her. So, she confides in Tina, who does believe her. Tina asks Mia whether or not she loves Kenny back and Mia was brutally honest and told Tina all about her HUGE crush on Michael. Tina was all like "oooh! I knew it!" and was totally and completely supportive of Mia. After her little talk with Tina, Mia decides that it's time to break up with Kenny once and for all...well she plans on doing this until her princess lesson with her grandmother changes her mind.
At the lesson, Mia's grandmother notices that something is going on with Mia and orders Mia to tell her what is the matter. Mia explains her whole situation with Kenny and her grandmother basically told her it would be wrong to break up with Kenny right before finals because it might influence his grades and he could fail. Well, Mia had never thought of that before, so she decides that she will wait until after the Christmas dance (that is if Kenny ever decides to ask her) before she breaks up with him.
I am absolutely loving this book so far, it is probably my favorite one yet :) See, I am such a romantic, so I knew that I was going to love this book right from when I read the title. I mean it's got the word LOVE in it, so you know it's going to be good! For some strange reason I find love drama extremely fascinating. My favorite kind of books always involve a character who has serious love life drama. And boy does Mia have drama in this one. I mean, she's dating a total dweeb, but is in love with this hottie who just happens to be her best friends older brother, so it's not like she can talk boys to Lilly...talk about AWKWARD! And what about this Judith girl? Michael can't seriously be into her, but still, Mia thinks he is, so now she's all paranoid that she and Michael will never get to be together. Ahhh...drama :) I can't wait to see how things play out in the end!
Sunday, January 30, 2011
This post is for all you Harry Potter fans! This is the first official still from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2! It was released at the beginning of January, but I just found out about today when I was being a nerd and listening to this Harry Potter pocast (called Mugglecast-check it out!) and they were talking about it. So, I was like "Woah! I need to find this photo!" As you can see, I have, and I LOVE it! I think it's pretty cool that they didn't release a photo of the trio, I mean they're pretty impotant and all, but we've seen them a LOT already. I love that it's Neville, of all people. To me, this picture shows how strong Neville has become throughout the series. You can totally tell he was whooping some butt because look at all the bruises and blood! If I had to guess, I bet this picture is when he kills Voldemort's snake, Nagini. But hey what do i know? :D I can't wait for this moovvviieee!!
The Princess Diaries volume II: Princess in the Spotlight...pgs. 192-257 (the end)
by: Meg Cabot
So, Lilly and hank have disappeared...again. Mia pretty much freaks out again. Anyways, the big shock comes when Mia gets to the Plaza for her Princess lessons. She walks into her grandmothers suit and about has a heart attack because her mamaw is sitting drinking tea with her grandmother. It turns out that her mamaw was there to talk about the wedding. Mia felt horrible. When she got home from her lesson, there was an instant message from JoCrox on her computer. It said : Hey are you going to Rocky Horror tomorrow? Mia finally figured out who JoCrox was and was so excited to go and finally see him face to face.
When Mia go up the next morning, she went looking for her mom and Mr. G (he now lives with them), but they were both nowhere to be found. She found this pretty peculiar since it was their wedding day and all, but she let it pass. At lunch, Mia fianlly figured out why Lilly and Hank had gone missing. Lilly was helping Hank get signed as a Calvin Klein underwear model. (this little bit in the book was histarical). After school, Mia gets home and notices that neither her mother nor Mr. G are home. She starts to panic a little until her grandmother comes to pick her to get ready for the wedding.
At the wedding, Mia find out that her mom and Mr. G are never going to show up because thwy are in Cancun....getting eloped and having a honeymoon. Mia's grandmother is absolutely furious, but Mia is secretly happy that her mom got what she wanted. Mia's dad tells her that she is free to go from the wedding, so Mia and her nodyguard lars go to meet up with her friends at the Rocky Horror Music show. When Mia gets their she discovers that JoCrox is not who she thought he would be, and can't help but be a bit disappointed. THE END :)
I thought the ending of this book was really fun :) The more I read this book, the more I feel like Mia is my fictional self. It's actually quite funny. I never knew I would have so much in common with a book character. Usually when I read I wish that I could be more like the main character, but with the Princess Diaries that isn't the case. I don't think that Mia and I could be anymore similar than we already are :) All I know is, if Mia were real we totally would be best frinds :D
So, Lilly and hank have disappeared...again. Mia pretty much freaks out again. Anyways, the big shock comes when Mia gets to the Plaza for her Princess lessons. She walks into her grandmothers suit and about has a heart attack because her mamaw is sitting drinking tea with her grandmother. It turns out that her mamaw was there to talk about the wedding. Mia felt horrible. When she got home from her lesson, there was an instant message from JoCrox on her computer. It said : Hey are you going to Rocky Horror tomorrow? Mia finally figured out who JoCrox was and was so excited to go and finally see him face to face.
When Mia go up the next morning, she went looking for her mom and Mr. G (he now lives with them), but they were both nowhere to be found. She found this pretty peculiar since it was their wedding day and all, but she let it pass. At lunch, Mia fianlly figured out why Lilly and Hank had gone missing. Lilly was helping Hank get signed as a Calvin Klein underwear model. (this little bit in the book was histarical). After school, Mia gets home and notices that neither her mother nor Mr. G are home. She starts to panic a little until her grandmother comes to pick her to get ready for the wedding.
At the wedding, Mia find out that her mom and Mr. G are never going to show up because thwy are in Cancun....getting eloped and having a honeymoon. Mia's grandmother is absolutely furious, but Mia is secretly happy that her mom got what she wanted. Mia's dad tells her that she is free to go from the wedding, so Mia and her nodyguard lars go to meet up with her friends at the Rocky Horror Music show. When Mia gets their she discovers that JoCrox is not who she thought he would be, and can't help but be a bit disappointed. THE END :)
I thought the ending of this book was really fun :) The more I read this book, the more I feel like Mia is my fictional self. It's actually quite funny. I never knew I would have so much in common with a book character. Usually when I read I wish that I could be more like the main character, but with the Princess Diaries that isn't the case. I don't think that Mia and I could be anymore similar than we already are :) All I know is, if Mia were real we totally would be best frinds :D
The Princess Diaries volume II: Princess in the Spotlight...pgs. 124-192
by: Meg Cabot
When Mia got back from the disastrous visit with her grandmother, she planned to tell her mom that she and Mr. G needed to elope right away, but she got distracted because her mom told her that her interview was about to come on TV. Mia pretty much bombed the interview. After it was over, Lilly called and told Mia that she was basically an idiot for saying what she did about their high school. The only people that seemed to enjoy the interview were Mr. G, Mia's mom, and Mia's friend Tina.
Due to the havoc Mia created at school because of the interview, she completely forgot to tell her mom about the wedding that her grandmother was planning. She suddenly remembered when she got home from Princess lessons one day to find her mamaw, papaw, and cousin Hank sitting in her kitchen. They had said that Mia's grandmother invited them up, free of charge, for the wedding. Mia's mom gets so upset and makes Mia's dad get her parents a hotel so she doesn't have to deal with them.
The next day Mia had to take Hank to school with her, and literally all of the girls were alllll over him! Mia thought it was kind of disturbing, especially when Lilly started flirting with him during lunch. Once, Mia got to her study hall she reeaaallly started freaking out...why you may ask?...because Lilly and Hank were missing! Apparently they ditched school so Lilly could give him a tour of New York, but Mia thought they were in love and went to go make out somewhere...I'm sure it's what all teenage girls think their best friends are doing with their cousins haha.
Here is a part of the book that I found pretty funny. A brief description of what has happened: This is just when Mia starts thinking that Lilly and her cousin Hank went off to do "bad" stuff (if you know waht I mean)
When Mia got back from the disastrous visit with her grandmother, she planned to tell her mom that she and Mr. G needed to elope right away, but she got distracted because her mom told her that her interview was about to come on TV. Mia pretty much bombed the interview. After it was over, Lilly called and told Mia that she was basically an idiot for saying what she did about their high school. The only people that seemed to enjoy the interview were Mr. G, Mia's mom, and Mia's friend Tina.
Due to the havoc Mia created at school because of the interview, she completely forgot to tell her mom about the wedding that her grandmother was planning. She suddenly remembered when she got home from Princess lessons one day to find her mamaw, papaw, and cousin Hank sitting in her kitchen. They had said that Mia's grandmother invited them up, free of charge, for the wedding. Mia's mom gets so upset and makes Mia's dad get her parents a hotel so she doesn't have to deal with them.
The next day Mia had to take Hank to school with her, and literally all of the girls were alllll over him! Mia thought it was kind of disturbing, especially when Lilly started flirting with him during lunch. Once, Mia got to her study hall she reeaaallly started freaking out...why you may ask?...because Lilly and Hank were missing! Apparently they ditched school so Lilly could give him a tour of New York, but Mia thought they were in love and went to go make out somewhere...I'm sure it's what all teenage girls think their best friends are doing with their cousins haha.
Here is a part of the book that I found pretty funny. A brief description of what has happened: This is just when Mia starts thinking that Lilly and her cousin Hank went off to do "bad" stuff (if you know waht I mean)
"They'll have to get married, and then Lilly will have to go live in Indiana in a trailer park, because that's where all teen mothers live. And she'll be wearing Wal-Mart housedresses and smoking Kools while Hank goes off to the rubber tire factory and makes five fifty and hour."wait what?!?! hahaha I laughed when I read this part, Meg Cabot totally bashed Indiana without even realizing it. I mean c'mon, this is a prejudiced statement if you ask me. This makes Indiana look really white-trashy and reeaallyy bad. I think I just found it to be so funny, since you know, I live in Indiana, and I personally don't get this mental image when I think about my state...
Friday, January 28, 2011
The Princess Diaries Volume II: Princess in the Spotlight...pgs. 1-124
by: Meg Cabot
Part II of the Princess Diaries begins with Princess Mia writing in her journal about some big news that her mom told her during breakfast...she is pregnent, with Mia's Algebra teacher....talk about awkard to the max! Mia kind of freaks out and writed in her journal a lot of stuff about how her mom is so stupid for not using birth control and other forms of protection. So, to find out more information about how to make her mom's pregnency run smoothly, Mia looks up information on how to have a healthy pregnency. Lilly catches Mia and starts asking why Mia never told her that she was pregnent. Mia got super embarassed and tried to tell Lilly that she wasn't, but she didn't tell her that it was actually her mom that was pregnent.
The next big thing that happens in the book is when Mia's grandmother tells Mia that she is going to do an interview for national television. Mia gets suuppeerr mad at her and tries to weasel her way out of doing it, but her dad is on her grandmother's side and told her that it would "be good practice" for when she has to do interviews in Genovia. To make matters worse, Mia finds out that her mom and Mr. G are going ot get married. She is happy for them, but she can't help getting grossed out by the fact that she is going to be living with her teacher. As you can tell, Mia had been under a lot of stress so it's not schocking that she ends up getting sick. She misses prertty much an entire week of school. On the last day that Mia stayed home from school, she gets a letter from a secret admirer. He goes by Jo-C-rox.
On the day of Mia's interview, her cold has pretty much gone away, but her nerves make her feel worse than ever. She babbles her way through the entire interview and makes a huuggee mistake by saying that her mom is pregnent. Her dad kind of flips out and her grandmother is outraged, but Mia's mom is totally understanding and thanks Mia for saying for her. Even Mr. G isn't upset.
My reading ends with Mia finding out that her Grandmother flew the royal event coordinator from Genovia to plan an extravagent wedding for her mother and Mr. G. Mia tried to tell her grandmother that this was definately NOT what her mom wanted, but her grandmother would not listen. So now Mia has to try and figure out how to tell her mom this news...
So far I'm liking this book a whole lot :) It's..different. I like reading it becasue it's just so different from the movies that were made, but they still have similarities. Other than the fact that Mia is a Princess, I am starting to see how similar we are. We both have this quircky personality where we think we're really funny, but in reality we're just kinda weird. Even though we tend to be kinda weird, we both still have a best friend that laughs with us and is just as quircky as we are. I like that I'm reading about a girl who is a lot like me :) (excluding the whole princess thing)
Part II of the Princess Diaries begins with Princess Mia writing in her journal about some big news that her mom told her during breakfast...she is pregnent, with Mia's Algebra teacher....talk about awkard to the max! Mia kind of freaks out and writed in her journal a lot of stuff about how her mom is so stupid for not using birth control and other forms of protection. So, to find out more information about how to make her mom's pregnency run smoothly, Mia looks up information on how to have a healthy pregnency. Lilly catches Mia and starts asking why Mia never told her that she was pregnent. Mia got super embarassed and tried to tell Lilly that she wasn't, but she didn't tell her that it was actually her mom that was pregnent.
The next big thing that happens in the book is when Mia's grandmother tells Mia that she is going to do an interview for national television. Mia gets suuppeerr mad at her and tries to weasel her way out of doing it, but her dad is on her grandmother's side and told her that it would "be good practice" for when she has to do interviews in Genovia. To make matters worse, Mia finds out that her mom and Mr. G are going ot get married. She is happy for them, but she can't help getting grossed out by the fact that she is going to be living with her teacher. As you can tell, Mia had been under a lot of stress so it's not schocking that she ends up getting sick. She misses prertty much an entire week of school. On the last day that Mia stayed home from school, she gets a letter from a secret admirer. He goes by Jo-C-rox.
On the day of Mia's interview, her cold has pretty much gone away, but her nerves make her feel worse than ever. She babbles her way through the entire interview and makes a huuggee mistake by saying that her mom is pregnent. Her dad kind of flips out and her grandmother is outraged, but Mia's mom is totally understanding and thanks Mia for saying for her. Even Mr. G isn't upset.
My reading ends with Mia finding out that her Grandmother flew the royal event coordinator from Genovia to plan an extravagent wedding for her mother and Mr. G. Mia tried to tell her grandmother that this was definately NOT what her mom wanted, but her grandmother would not listen. So now Mia has to try and figure out how to tell her mom this news...
So far I'm liking this book a whole lot :) It's..different. I like reading it becasue it's just so different from the movies that were made, but they still have similarities. Other than the fact that Mia is a Princess, I am starting to see how similar we are. We both have this quircky personality where we think we're really funny, but in reality we're just kinda weird. Even though we tend to be kinda weird, we both still have a best friend that laughs with us and is just as quircky as we are. I like that I'm reading about a girl who is a lot like me :) (excluding the whole princess thing)
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
The Princess Diaries..a Book/Movie comparison
In my previous post I gave you a summary of what the book The Princess Diaries is about. Well, I've decided to make two lists...to comapre the book to the movie. This should be fun, and I hope you enjoy :)
Blue= Princess Diaries movie
Pink=Princess diaries novel
Purple=In both
Blue= Princess Diaries movie
Pink=Princess diaries novel
Purple=In both
1. all of the characters names are the same exept for her "bodyguard". In the book, her bodyguards names is Lars and in the movie her boyguard's names is Joe
2. In the book, Mia gets her diary from her mom and in the movie Mia gets the diary from her grandmother for her sixteenth birthday
3. Mia's father is dead in the movie but her in the book her father is alive (although I think he might die in a later book, but I don't really know)
4. Lilly and Mia get into a huge fight that lasts a loonngg time in the book; whereas, in the movie she and Lilly only get into a minor fight.
5. Lilly wants Mia to be a Princess in the movie and Lilly doesn't like the fact Mia is a princess in the book.
6. In the movie, Mia gets to choose if she wants to be a princess and in the book she has no choice; she has to be a princess.
7. In the book, Mia goes to a school dance with Josh and in the movie Josh and Mia go to a beach bash.
8. In the book, Mia lives in New York and in the movie, Mia lives in San Fransico
9. In both the book and the movie, Mia's mom is dating her teacher, Mr. Gianini
10. In both the book and the movie, Josh only asks Mis out so he can have his five minute of fame; and he kisses her in fron of the paparazzi.
As you can see, the movie is not the greatest adaptation of the book, but I think they're both so good that it doesn't really matter how similar they are to each other.
This is the trailer for the movie....based on what i've told you in my summary, can you see the differences too?? :)
The Princess Diaries (all of it)
by: Meg Cabot
This book isn't too long, so I think I'll be able to summarize it all in just this post. The book starts out with Mia explaining that her mom gave her this diary so she could let out all of her feelings without holding anything back. At, first Mia thinks its a joke, but as the book goes on, you can tell that she literally writes down everything that happens in her life. Mia then starts to talk about how her mom is dating her Algebra teacher, Mr. Gianini. Mia is totally embarrassed by this for 2 reasons, 1) he's her teacher and 2)she's flunking algebra, so not only does she have to go to review sessions with him everyday after school, she has to see him at her house..talk about awkward..
Mia's dad comes and stays at the Plaza hotel (did I mention she lives in New York?) and Mia has no idea why he's decided to just come and visit out of the blue. Well, she learns that because of her dad's prostate cancer he had to have...surgery....which made him unable to have anymore children. Mia is so confused until her dad tells her that this is such a big deal because now she is the heir to the throne of Genovia. It takes Mia a minute or two to realize that this means that her dad is a PRINCE and she is a PRINCESS. Once this sinks in, she looses it. Her dad tells her that her grandmother will be coming to give her princess lessons. Mia is not happy about this news at all, she does not like her grandmother at all. Her dad makes a compromise with Mia, saying that she will be allowed to stay and finish high school if she promises to fulfill her royal duties whenever necessary.
For Mia's first Princess lesson, her grandmother takes her to get beautified. She gets a new haircut, fake nails, and a bunch of new clothes. Mia wants to keep the whole Princess thing a secret (even from her best friend Lilly), sao when everyone (including evil head cheerleader, Lana) makes fun of her she just takes it and moves on. Lilly and Mia get into a huge fight because she thinks Mia is trying to turn into a "popular". Mia can't take anymore of it, so she tells Lilly to shut up and simply walks away. While Mia and Lilly are still fighting, Mia beomes friends with this girl named Tina. Tina is shy and lots of people think she's weird because her parents make her have a bodyguard.
The secret evetnually gets out and all of a sudden everyone wants to be Mia's friend. Mia gets so mad, but not to mad because when Josh Richter(aka hottest guy in school) breaks up with Lana and asks Mia to the school dance, she accepts in a heartbeat. When Lilly hears the news, she is not supportive at all. She simply criticizes her, but fortunately Lilly's brother, Michael, has Mia's back and tells her sister to lay off. Tina is very understanding and even invites Mia to sleepover the night before the dance so they can get ready together. Mia's Grandmother is so happy that Mia got a date to the dance and takes her out shopping for the perfect designer dress.
On the night of the dance, Mia and Josh go to this fancy restaurant. What Mia didn't know was that all of his friends were there too. She really wasn't having a good time. Things got even worse when they actualy got to the dance. A bunch of reporters were there wanting to talk to Mia, and when they saw she was with josh, they kept chanting "kiss her!" "Kiss her!!" SO, what does that jerk do...kiss her. All of sudden Mia gets why Josh asked her out in the first place, he never really liked her, he just wanted to get his 5 minutes of fame. Well, the Princess of Genovia doesn't like that, so she basically dumps him befre they even finished their date. The book ends with Mia recaping everything that happened at the dance after she dumped Josh....
I decided to read this book a few days ago. I had just watched the movie and started thinking..."hmm I wonder how different the book is from the movie". It was quite a bit different actually. I was shocked. I think the only real similarity was that the names are the same. I loved the book though, Mia's character in the book is so funny. I actually laughed out loud while I was reading some parts. These are my favorite kinds of books, ones that make you laugh.
This book isn't too long, so I think I'll be able to summarize it all in just this post. The book starts out with Mia explaining that her mom gave her this diary so she could let out all of her feelings without holding anything back. At, first Mia thinks its a joke, but as the book goes on, you can tell that she literally writes down everything that happens in her life. Mia then starts to talk about how her mom is dating her Algebra teacher, Mr. Gianini. Mia is totally embarrassed by this for 2 reasons, 1) he's her teacher and 2)she's flunking algebra, so not only does she have to go to review sessions with him everyday after school, she has to see him at her house..talk about awkward..
Mia's dad comes and stays at the Plaza hotel (did I mention she lives in New York?) and Mia has no idea why he's decided to just come and visit out of the blue. Well, she learns that because of her dad's prostate cancer he had to have...surgery....which made him unable to have anymore children. Mia is so confused until her dad tells her that this is such a big deal because now she is the heir to the throne of Genovia. It takes Mia a minute or two to realize that this means that her dad is a PRINCE and she is a PRINCESS. Once this sinks in, she looses it. Her dad tells her that her grandmother will be coming to give her princess lessons. Mia is not happy about this news at all, she does not like her grandmother at all. Her dad makes a compromise with Mia, saying that she will be allowed to stay and finish high school if she promises to fulfill her royal duties whenever necessary.
For Mia's first Princess lesson, her grandmother takes her to get beautified. She gets a new haircut, fake nails, and a bunch of new clothes. Mia wants to keep the whole Princess thing a secret (even from her best friend Lilly), sao when everyone (including evil head cheerleader, Lana) makes fun of her she just takes it and moves on. Lilly and Mia get into a huge fight because she thinks Mia is trying to turn into a "popular". Mia can't take anymore of it, so she tells Lilly to shut up and simply walks away. While Mia and Lilly are still fighting, Mia beomes friends with this girl named Tina. Tina is shy and lots of people think she's weird because her parents make her have a bodyguard.
The secret evetnually gets out and all of a sudden everyone wants to be Mia's friend. Mia gets so mad, but not to mad because when Josh Richter(aka hottest guy in school) breaks up with Lana and asks Mia to the school dance, she accepts in a heartbeat. When Lilly hears the news, she is not supportive at all. She simply criticizes her, but fortunately Lilly's brother, Michael, has Mia's back and tells her sister to lay off. Tina is very understanding and even invites Mia to sleepover the night before the dance so they can get ready together. Mia's Grandmother is so happy that Mia got a date to the dance and takes her out shopping for the perfect designer dress.
On the night of the dance, Mia and Josh go to this fancy restaurant. What Mia didn't know was that all of his friends were there too. She really wasn't having a good time. Things got even worse when they actualy got to the dance. A bunch of reporters were there wanting to talk to Mia, and when they saw she was with josh, they kept chanting "kiss her!" "Kiss her!!" SO, what does that jerk do...kiss her. All of sudden Mia gets why Josh asked her out in the first place, he never really liked her, he just wanted to get his 5 minutes of fame. Well, the Princess of Genovia doesn't like that, so she basically dumps him befre they even finished their date. The book ends with Mia recaping everything that happened at the dance after she dumped Josh....
I decided to read this book a few days ago. I had just watched the movie and started thinking..."hmm I wonder how different the book is from the movie". It was quite a bit different actually. I was shocked. I think the only real similarity was that the names are the same. I loved the book though, Mia's character in the book is so funny. I actually laughed out loud while I was reading some parts. These are my favorite kinds of books, ones that make you laugh.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
The Hunger Games...a summary of Part III
by: Suzanne Collins
Part III is titled "The Victor". Part III begins with Katniss calling out Peeta's name as she immediately goes off into the woods to start looking for him. Now that she and Peeta can both win the Games, she makes herself promise that she will do whatever she can to keep him alive. She eventually finds Peeta camouflaged into the ground. He has many severe wounds which Katniss tends to immediately. Katniss notices that she has a lot of work to do; Peeta's leg has a really bad cut from when Cato(district 1 tribute) stabbed him, he is very dehydrated, and very sick. Peeta also reminds Katniss that they are madly in love and that they should probably be doing things to convince the audience...so Katniss and Peeta share many kisses.
Katniss and Peeta make camp in a secluded area in the forest and just stay there for a few days, allowing Peeta to heal. One day, the announcer announces that there will be a feast at the Cornucopia where each district has a backpack with one thing that they need desperately waiting for them. Peeta tells Katniss not to go, but Katniss knows she has to because the thing they desperately need is medicine for Peeta's leg. So, she gives Peeta a sleeping tonic so he wouldn't know she left. Once she reaches the Cornucopia, she gets attacked by Clove, a district 1 tribute. Thresh, the male tribute from district 11, saves Katniss as a thanks for how she treated Rue. Katniss managed to get her backpack while Thresh was finishing off Clove.
The next few days in the games are slow, until Thresh dies. Now only Peeta, Katniss, Foxface, and Cato remain. As they are leaving their old campsite, they go hunting and gathering. They almost kill themselves by eating these poisonous berries that Peeta found, until they see Foxface lying dead on the ground near the berries. They decide to hold onto the berries in case they can get Cato to eat them.
The final battle occurs at the cornucopia. Peeta manages to injure his leg once again. Cato is finally killed by a pack of muttation dogs that are part dog and part dead tribute. (it's kinda complicated to explain). After Cato gets killed, Peeta and Katniss are ecstatic because they won the Hunger Games...WRONG! The announcer comes on and announces that the 2 winner rule has been uplifted and that once again there can only be one winner. Katniss and Peeta argue about who will die until Katniss remembers those poisonous berries. She and Peeta each take a few berries and plan to eat them at the same time...the announcer then comes back on and tells them to stop. Katniss and Peeta are now both the winners of the Hunger Games!
The book ends with Peeta telling Katniss that he wasn't just acting, he really does love her. She doesn't know how to respond, and Peeta gets really upset because he thinks she is really in Love with Gale, her best friend, and was just acting.
Part III is titled "The Victor". Part III begins with Katniss calling out Peeta's name as she immediately goes off into the woods to start looking for him. Now that she and Peeta can both win the Games, she makes herself promise that she will do whatever she can to keep him alive. She eventually finds Peeta camouflaged into the ground. He has many severe wounds which Katniss tends to immediately. Katniss notices that she has a lot of work to do; Peeta's leg has a really bad cut from when Cato(district 1 tribute) stabbed him, he is very dehydrated, and very sick. Peeta also reminds Katniss that they are madly in love and that they should probably be doing things to convince the audience...so Katniss and Peeta share many kisses.
Katniss and Peeta make camp in a secluded area in the forest and just stay there for a few days, allowing Peeta to heal. One day, the announcer announces that there will be a feast at the Cornucopia where each district has a backpack with one thing that they need desperately waiting for them. Peeta tells Katniss not to go, but Katniss knows she has to because the thing they desperately need is medicine for Peeta's leg. So, she gives Peeta a sleeping tonic so he wouldn't know she left. Once she reaches the Cornucopia, she gets attacked by Clove, a district 1 tribute. Thresh, the male tribute from district 11, saves Katniss as a thanks for how she treated Rue. Katniss managed to get her backpack while Thresh was finishing off Clove.
The next few days in the games are slow, until Thresh dies. Now only Peeta, Katniss, Foxface, and Cato remain. As they are leaving their old campsite, they go hunting and gathering. They almost kill themselves by eating these poisonous berries that Peeta found, until they see Foxface lying dead on the ground near the berries. They decide to hold onto the berries in case they can get Cato to eat them.
The final battle occurs at the cornucopia. Peeta manages to injure his leg once again. Cato is finally killed by a pack of muttation dogs that are part dog and part dead tribute. (it's kinda complicated to explain). After Cato gets killed, Peeta and Katniss are ecstatic because they won the Hunger Games...WRONG! The announcer comes on and announces that the 2 winner rule has been uplifted and that once again there can only be one winner. Katniss and Peeta argue about who will die until Katniss remembers those poisonous berries. She and Peeta each take a few berries and plan to eat them at the same time...the announcer then comes back on and tells them to stop. Katniss and Peeta are now both the winners of the Hunger Games!
The book ends with Peeta telling Katniss that he wasn't just acting, he really does love her. She doesn't know how to respond, and Peeta gets really upset because he thinks she is really in Love with Gale, her best friend, and was just acting.
End of Book One
Wow....this book was so good! I am definitely adding this to my list of favorite books. Every part in this book was was so full of suspense and drama and action, it was great :) Now you have to understand that I am a total romantic, so no matter how much I loovveedd the action and suspense in the book; I couldn't help but ignore the little love triangle that has developed between Peeta, Gale, and Katniss. Personally, I really want Katniss to stay with Peeta because there was some fire developed between them during the games. I know that Gale is Katniss's best friend and all, but I just don't like him. He annoys me : / Oh well, I guess I will just have to wait and see what happens in book 2!
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Here's what the cover looks like :) |
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Chris Colfer (aka Kurt) wins a Golden Globe!!
Is it bad that I cried when he won? I just love seeing his reaction, you can totally tell he definately was not expecting to win :) See, the thing I love most about Glee is that the cast is so supportive of each other, which you can totally see in this video :) I'm so glad that he won <3
Are You Ready?!
Are You guys Ready for an all new season of the best reality show ever?? I know I am! American Idol is my favorite show (excluding Glee, but no show is as good as Glee :D). I am lookin forward to seeing how different the show is going to be, what with Paula AND Simon gone. I'm really excited that Jennifer Lopez is going to be a great judge, I think she has the power to make the show huge again :) American Idol Premeires tonight at 8pm on FOX!!
A heads up: be expecting posts from me about both of these shows from now on :)
The Hunger Games...A summary of Part II
by: Suzanne Collins
Part two is called "The Games". I bet you all can guess what this section is about! Part II begins with Katniss's reaction to Peeta's delcaration of love for her. She gets so mad at both Peeta and Haymitch for doing this to her until they tell her that they did it on purpose. With Peeta delcaring that he loves Katniss, the audience immediatly feels sorry for them and they become known as the "starcrossed lovers from district 12". Knowing that this will help her win the games, Katniss has no choice but to go along with it.
"Ladies and gentlmen, let the Seventy-Fourth Hunger Games begin!" Now that the Games are on, Katniss does everything she can to stay alive. Instead of running straight for the Cornucopia, a place where there are loads of weapons for the tributes to grab, like the rest of the tributes did, she grabs a backpack that is near her and runs for dear life into the woods.Once she's in the woods she thinks about the advice Haymitch gave right before she left for the arena...get away from the others as fast as you can and find water. She become very dehydrated and is on the brink of passing out when she fianlly finds a stream...thank goodness! Once she got all the water she needed, she climbed up high into a tree and settled down for the night. In the middle of the night, she witnesses a tribute getting killed by the Careers (a group of people from districts 1,2,and 4 that form an alliance). She gets furious when she sees that Peeta is among the group, she can;t believe he has betryaed her!
Katnisses first challenge comes when she must escape a forest fire that the Gamemakers created to spice up the show a bit. While she is running from the fire she manages to get a horrid wound in her calf. Once she escapes the fire, she climbs up into a tree and rests until the careers show up. While in the tree, Katniss sees a Tracker Jacker's nest. Tracker Jackers are like wasps, only way more deadly. She decides to attemp cutting down the nest and hope that it falls on top of the carrer group. Her plan only has one flaw...on the way down she gets a few tracker jacker stings herself. Some tributes do get killed in this commmotion, which Katniss sees as good...one step closer to the end of this madness.
Things are kinda slow for a bit, until Katniss and Rue (a tribute from district 11) form an alliance. Rue teaches Katniss the history of the Mockingjay ( abird that will be sooo important later on) In this allaince, Katniss and Rue work together to stay alive and devise a plan to invade the careers camp. They come up with this detailed plan in which Rue goes and makes 3 different fires throughout the woods to lure the Careers awat from their camp. Once away from the camp, Katniss will go up and take all that she can and burn all their food. The plan goes well until Katniss realizes that the camp is like a bomb, one wrong move and the whole area will explode. So, instead of taking anything from the camp, Katniss decides just to blow it up by shooting an arrow into the site. It exlopdes and she goes deaf in her left ear.
Katniss immediatly goes looking for Rue, she cannot find her until it gets really late, when all of a sudden Katniss hears Rue screaming. She gets to Rue a second to late because when she sees Rue, she also sees the Arrow in her stomach. In her Fury, Katniss shoots an arrow right through a boy from district 3's chest, killing him instantly. Katniss stays with Rue and holds her hand, knowing that there is nothing she can do but sit and watch her die. After Rue is dead, Katniss does the unthinkable and shows her respect to another district by covering Rue in flowers so she looked peaceful. Later on that evening, Katniss receives a grift from District 11 as a form of thanks. Katniss knows this has never happened before in the Games, so she makes a point to thank Disrtict 11 for their gift out loud so everyone in the country of Panem knows that a unity has been made. Part II comes to a suspensful end when the announcer comes on and announses that both tributes, if in the same district, can win the Games...
I am at the point now in my book that I literally cannot put it down when I start reading. I had this section of the book read in probably about 30-45 minutes. With everything that has happened in this part of the book, I am not surprised that it didn't take me long at all to finish this section. This entire section was filled with action packed scene to action packed scene. There were absolutely no dry spots, which I loved :) I hate reading a book that is really good in some parts and then so dry in others. Those types of books always take me ages to read : / I know for a fact though that I will be done with this book within a few days :)
Total pages read: 244/374
Part two is called "The Games". I bet you all can guess what this section is about! Part II begins with Katniss's reaction to Peeta's delcaration of love for her. She gets so mad at both Peeta and Haymitch for doing this to her until they tell her that they did it on purpose. With Peeta delcaring that he loves Katniss, the audience immediatly feels sorry for them and they become known as the "starcrossed lovers from district 12". Knowing that this will help her win the games, Katniss has no choice but to go along with it.
"Ladies and gentlmen, let the Seventy-Fourth Hunger Games begin!" Now that the Games are on, Katniss does everything she can to stay alive. Instead of running straight for the Cornucopia, a place where there are loads of weapons for the tributes to grab, like the rest of the tributes did, she grabs a backpack that is near her and runs for dear life into the woods.Once she's in the woods she thinks about the advice Haymitch gave right before she left for the arena...get away from the others as fast as you can and find water. She become very dehydrated and is on the brink of passing out when she fianlly finds a stream...thank goodness! Once she got all the water she needed, she climbed up high into a tree and settled down for the night. In the middle of the night, she witnesses a tribute getting killed by the Careers (a group of people from districts 1,2,and 4 that form an alliance). She gets furious when she sees that Peeta is among the group, she can;t believe he has betryaed her!
Katnisses first challenge comes when she must escape a forest fire that the Gamemakers created to spice up the show a bit. While she is running from the fire she manages to get a horrid wound in her calf. Once she escapes the fire, she climbs up into a tree and rests until the careers show up. While in the tree, Katniss sees a Tracker Jacker's nest. Tracker Jackers are like wasps, only way more deadly. She decides to attemp cutting down the nest and hope that it falls on top of the carrer group. Her plan only has one flaw...on the way down she gets a few tracker jacker stings herself. Some tributes do get killed in this commmotion, which Katniss sees as good...one step closer to the end of this madness.
Things are kinda slow for a bit, until Katniss and Rue (a tribute from district 11) form an alliance. Rue teaches Katniss the history of the Mockingjay ( abird that will be sooo important later on) In this allaince, Katniss and Rue work together to stay alive and devise a plan to invade the careers camp. They come up with this detailed plan in which Rue goes and makes 3 different fires throughout the woods to lure the Careers awat from their camp. Once away from the camp, Katniss will go up and take all that she can and burn all their food. The plan goes well until Katniss realizes that the camp is like a bomb, one wrong move and the whole area will explode. So, instead of taking anything from the camp, Katniss decides just to blow it up by shooting an arrow into the site. It exlopdes and she goes deaf in her left ear.
Katniss immediatly goes looking for Rue, she cannot find her until it gets really late, when all of a sudden Katniss hears Rue screaming. She gets to Rue a second to late because when she sees Rue, she also sees the Arrow in her stomach. In her Fury, Katniss shoots an arrow right through a boy from district 3's chest, killing him instantly. Katniss stays with Rue and holds her hand, knowing that there is nothing she can do but sit and watch her die. After Rue is dead, Katniss does the unthinkable and shows her respect to another district by covering Rue in flowers so she looked peaceful. Later on that evening, Katniss receives a grift from District 11 as a form of thanks. Katniss knows this has never happened before in the Games, so she makes a point to thank Disrtict 11 for their gift out loud so everyone in the country of Panem knows that a unity has been made. Part II comes to a suspensful end when the announcer comes on and announses that both tributes, if in the same district, can win the Games...
I am at the point now in my book that I literally cannot put it down when I start reading. I had this section of the book read in probably about 30-45 minutes. With everything that has happened in this part of the book, I am not surprised that it didn't take me long at all to finish this section. This entire section was filled with action packed scene to action packed scene. There were absolutely no dry spots, which I loved :) I hate reading a book that is really good in some parts and then so dry in others. Those types of books always take me ages to read : / I know for a fact though that I will be done with this book within a few days :)
Total pages read: 244/374
Monday, January 17, 2011
The Hunger Games...a summary of Part I
by: Suzanne Collins
Part one is called "The Tributes". This amazing novel begins with our main character, Katniss Everdeen, getting ready to go hunting illegally with her best friend, Gale, to get food for their families. They are very stressed becasue today is the reaping, the day when the tributes are chosen to compete in the Hunger Games. Katniss lives in the 12th district in the country of Panem. There are twelve different districts, and each district has a special forte that helps keep the capitol running. The Hunger Games is a televised event in which 2 tributes from each of the 12 districts must compete to the death.
At the reaping, a boy and a girl are chosen to compete in the Hunger games; if your name is chosen you have to compete unless someone volunteers to take your place, but rarely no one does. This was the case for Katniss and her sister Prim. Prim was chosen, but Katniss volunteered to take her place. The guy tribute was Peeta. After Katniss and Peeta were chosen they were sent to the capitol where they got their own stylists to make them look good for all of the press things they had to endure. Katniss and Peeta's mentor, Haymitch, helps them with their training. Right before the games begin, there is a huge interview that each of the tributes must do. This interview is critical becasue the tributes get sponsors to help them throughout the games based on what they say in the interview. In peeta's interview, he confesses that he is in love with Katniss.....
Oh. My. Gosh! This book is so good!! I absolutely loovveee it :) You literally will be hooked from the very first page...I know because it has happened to both me and my sister. I had just finished the book and my sister asked me if she could just read the first page so she could see if she would like it. I told her ok, but that she wouldn't be able to put it down after the first page. Next thing I know...she is on like the 20th page! I literally had to pry it out of her hands...it was so funny :) It took me a lot of effort to put the book down each time I was finished with a chunk...I've had a few late nights reading this...which I think is definately a sign that it's ah-mazing!
Total pages read: 130/374
Part one is called "The Tributes". This amazing novel begins with our main character, Katniss Everdeen, getting ready to go hunting illegally with her best friend, Gale, to get food for their families. They are very stressed becasue today is the reaping, the day when the tributes are chosen to compete in the Hunger Games. Katniss lives in the 12th district in the country of Panem. There are twelve different districts, and each district has a special forte that helps keep the capitol running. The Hunger Games is a televised event in which 2 tributes from each of the 12 districts must compete to the death.
At the reaping, a boy and a girl are chosen to compete in the Hunger games; if your name is chosen you have to compete unless someone volunteers to take your place, but rarely no one does. This was the case for Katniss and her sister Prim. Prim was chosen, but Katniss volunteered to take her place. The guy tribute was Peeta. After Katniss and Peeta were chosen they were sent to the capitol where they got their own stylists to make them look good for all of the press things they had to endure. Katniss and Peeta's mentor, Haymitch, helps them with their training. Right before the games begin, there is a huge interview that each of the tributes must do. This interview is critical becasue the tributes get sponsors to help them throughout the games based on what they say in the interview. In peeta's interview, he confesses that he is in love with Katniss.....
Oh. My. Gosh! This book is so good!! I absolutely loovveee it :) You literally will be hooked from the very first page...I know because it has happened to both me and my sister. I had just finished the book and my sister asked me if she could just read the first page so she could see if she would like it. I told her ok, but that she wouldn't be able to put it down after the first page. Next thing I know...she is on like the 20th page! I literally had to pry it out of her hands...it was so funny :) It took me a lot of effort to put the book down each time I was finished with a chunk...I've had a few late nights reading this...which I think is definately a sign that it's ah-mazing!
Total pages read: 130/374
Reading Reading Reading....
Man, I have had a LOT of time to read this past weekend, what with my having to be in a car for 10 hours and all...and let me just say that it has been soo fun (: I finished up The Queen of Everything (which I am not going to do a formal blog post about....I hope you don't mind, I just really didn't like it) and I read the first book in the Hunger Games trilogy (which I am going to do a formal post on). I've finished the Hunger Games and now am starting Catching Fire the second book in the trilogy....wow is it good!!! Anyway, I have enjoyed this time I have gotten to be able to simply read without any intereptuions...it's been great :)
Friday, January 14, 2011
Taylor Swift - Back to December
Taylor Swift has a new music Video!! It's kinda weird but still amazing (: I think the whole point is that she is writing an apoplgoy to that guy she broke up with, but he doesn't read it until like way after they broke up...I don;t know if that's really whats going on but hey I tried to figure it out (: Taylor Swift is just so amazing!
Thursday, January 13, 2011
So, I got my PSAT back today in advisory. I kinda laughed when I saw my scores becasue I ended up doing the best on the topic that I thought I did the worst on....Grammer. I am soooo bad at grammer so I don't understand what happened! See, I'm pretty good at math so I expected to get a really good score on that portion, but it wasn't as good as I thought it would be...weird huh? oh well, I'll take the scores I got :) Now I just know what I really need to study for the actual SAT...reading comprehension. I don't understand why I'm so bad at it becuase if I read a book I could tell you literally EVERYTHING that happens in it. Usually,when I give a summary on a story I end up telling too much and I give stuff away. I don't know what my issue is, but i'm going to have to figure it out soon if I want to do well on the test : /
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
The Queen of Everything pgs. 160-258
by deb Caletti
Chapter 9 begins with Jordan going to her grandpa's gas station to tell him about her dad's relationship with Gayle D'Angelo. She went to tell him because she knew how good her grandpa was good at fixing things, so she assumed he would be able to fix her dad. Well, it turns out that her grandpa just got super mad, and later that night Jordan's dad and grandpa get in a huge fight.
Chapter 10 is a sad sad sad chapter, I don't really want to say what happens because it is pretty important. I will just say that the thing that happens in this chapter causes the dad to go over the edge....he just keeps getting crazier and crazier in love with Gayle D'Angelo, and when I say crazy I literally mean crazy.
In Chapter 11, Jordan's dad seems to have gotten over Gayle because he finally realizes that she's just playing with him, but this only lasts like a few days. Soon he is right beck where he's started. One night, Jordan and her dad are watching a movie when there was a call from "her" (as Jordan puts it). Jordan's dad mysteriously disappeared...on Jordan's bike. Jordan gets so mad that she goes to a scandalous party and does "bad things" (if you know what I mean) with Kale.
The climax of the story occurs in chapter 12...when something HUGE happens (once again I don't want to say what it is because it will basically spoil the whole book). Due to what happened, Jordan lost her job at True You, and she basically lost it. Chapter 12 ends with Jordan calling Kale and asking him to run away with her...
So, even though i've gotten to the climax of the story, I still can't say that I'm in love with this book. I mean, it all happened so fast that I actually had to go back and re read part of chapter 12 so I knew what happened. I also think the climactic event was kind of a let down for me...I pretty much already knew what was going to happen by the time the event actually happened. The author doesn't do a very good job at making it a surprise, she hints at what is going to happen allll ovveerrr the book. So, when it actually happned I was like "oh. well that sucks".
I hope this book has a happy ending because right now it's not looking like it's going to be very happy. I think i'm just going to be glad to finish the book and start something new :)
Total pages read: 258/322
Chapter 9 begins with Jordan going to her grandpa's gas station to tell him about her dad's relationship with Gayle D'Angelo. She went to tell him because she knew how good her grandpa was good at fixing things, so she assumed he would be able to fix her dad. Well, it turns out that her grandpa just got super mad, and later that night Jordan's dad and grandpa get in a huge fight.
Chapter 10 is a sad sad sad chapter, I don't really want to say what happens because it is pretty important. I will just say that the thing that happens in this chapter causes the dad to go over the edge....he just keeps getting crazier and crazier in love with Gayle D'Angelo, and when I say crazy I literally mean crazy.
In Chapter 11, Jordan's dad seems to have gotten over Gayle because he finally realizes that she's just playing with him, but this only lasts like a few days. Soon he is right beck where he's started. One night, Jordan and her dad are watching a movie when there was a call from "her" (as Jordan puts it). Jordan's dad mysteriously disappeared...on Jordan's bike. Jordan gets so mad that she goes to a scandalous party and does "bad things" (if you know what I mean) with Kale.
The climax of the story occurs in chapter 12...when something HUGE happens (once again I don't want to say what it is because it will basically spoil the whole book). Due to what happened, Jordan lost her job at True You, and she basically lost it. Chapter 12 ends with Jordan calling Kale and asking him to run away with her...
So, even though i've gotten to the climax of the story, I still can't say that I'm in love with this book. I mean, it all happened so fast that I actually had to go back and re read part of chapter 12 so I knew what happened. I also think the climactic event was kind of a let down for me...I pretty much already knew what was going to happen by the time the event actually happened. The author doesn't do a very good job at making it a surprise, she hints at what is going to happen allll ovveerrr the book. So, when it actually happned I was like "oh. well that sucks".
I hope this book has a happy ending because right now it's not looking like it's going to be very happy. I think i'm just going to be glad to finish the book and start something new :)
Total pages read: 258/322
Monday, January 10, 2011
The Queen of Everything pgs.60-159
by Deb Caletti
In chapter 4, Jordan goes to visit her mom at her mom's bed and breakfast, and while she's there she remembers things about when she used to live with her mom. Jordan explains why her mom started the bed and breakfast and the people who stay there. Miss Poe is a guest that permanently stays at the bed and breakfast (no one says why, she just does). Jordan also talks about Nathan and Max, her stepdad and half-brother. She goes into detail about when her mom met Nathan and how strange he is. Then she talks about the incident that made her decide to pack up her belongings and head to live with her dad.
Chapter 5, is when things get good, and by good I mean intense. When Jordan gets home from her mom's house, she discovers a ripped up photograph of Wes D'Angelo (remember him?) on his wedding day, in the garbage can. She starts to freak out and demands that her dad tell her what the heck was happening with him. Her dad admits that he is dating Gayle D'Angelo, and he admits that he took the picture from their wedding album. He claims that Wes "mistreats" Gayle and that he just loves her so much, and so on... So, now that the secrets out (just to Jordan and the reader though) Jordan starts to freak herself out a bit. She keeps a close eye on her dad and notices that he is changing..like alot.
In chapter 6, Jordan is at this place by the beach where her "boyfriend" (see he thinks they're dating but she's only going out with him for something to do) Kale comes and finds her. Kale is a total stud...not a good guy, I'll just leave it at that. Also, Jordan meets this guy named Jackson in this chapter. (He'll be important later)
The next big thing that happens is the end of school picnic. Jordan goes with her friend Melissa and Kale. Jordan sees her dad show up and notices that Gayle keeps on giving him these sly looks. She gets really upset about the fact that her dad is being so obvious when Gayle's husband is around. Later in the evening she goes up to her dad (who is with Gayle and the other adults) and tries to tell him that she's leaving the picnic, but he doesn't pay attention. He is too busy trying to impress Gayle.
So, now that I know that Gayle D'Angelo is having an affair with Jordan's dad...the book suddenly got much more interesting. It's getting kind of scandalous :) I am getting used to all the descriptive writing, so I am starting to focus on what the book is actually about. Personally, I think Jordan's dad is an idiot...I mean if he's going to be "involved" with a married woman, he needs to be a bit more subtle. I mean, I understand that he most likely wants to be able to go out with Gayle and not have to keep secrets, but it's his own fault for pursuing Gayle in the first place. I'm stasrting think that Gayle is a bit of a bad person...she seems like she is behind a LOT of the dad's craziness...I bet she even told the dad to take that picture of Wes, but I guess I will only have to read to see what she's really like....
Total pages read: 159/322
In chapter 4, Jordan goes to visit her mom at her mom's bed and breakfast, and while she's there she remembers things about when she used to live with her mom. Jordan explains why her mom started the bed and breakfast and the people who stay there. Miss Poe is a guest that permanently stays at the bed and breakfast (no one says why, she just does). Jordan also talks about Nathan and Max, her stepdad and half-brother. She goes into detail about when her mom met Nathan and how strange he is. Then she talks about the incident that made her decide to pack up her belongings and head to live with her dad.
Chapter 5, is when things get good, and by good I mean intense. When Jordan gets home from her mom's house, she discovers a ripped up photograph of Wes D'Angelo (remember him?) on his wedding day, in the garbage can. She starts to freak out and demands that her dad tell her what the heck was happening with him. Her dad admits that he is dating Gayle D'Angelo, and he admits that he took the picture from their wedding album. He claims that Wes "mistreats" Gayle and that he just loves her so much, and so on... So, now that the secrets out (just to Jordan and the reader though) Jordan starts to freak herself out a bit. She keeps a close eye on her dad and notices that he is changing..like alot.
In chapter 6, Jordan is at this place by the beach where her "boyfriend" (see he thinks they're dating but she's only going out with him for something to do) Kale comes and finds her. Kale is a total stud...not a good guy, I'll just leave it at that. Also, Jordan meets this guy named Jackson in this chapter. (He'll be important later)
The next big thing that happens is the end of school picnic. Jordan goes with her friend Melissa and Kale. Jordan sees her dad show up and notices that Gayle keeps on giving him these sly looks. She gets really upset about the fact that her dad is being so obvious when Gayle's husband is around. Later in the evening she goes up to her dad (who is with Gayle and the other adults) and tries to tell him that she's leaving the picnic, but he doesn't pay attention. He is too busy trying to impress Gayle.
So, now that I know that Gayle D'Angelo is having an affair with Jordan's dad...the book suddenly got much more interesting. It's getting kind of scandalous :) I am getting used to all the descriptive writing, so I am starting to focus on what the book is actually about. Personally, I think Jordan's dad is an idiot...I mean if he's going to be "involved" with a married woman, he needs to be a bit more subtle. I mean, I understand that he most likely wants to be able to go out with Gayle and not have to keep secrets, but it's his own fault for pursuing Gayle in the first place. I'm stasrting think that Gayle is a bit of a bad person...she seems like she is behind a LOT of the dad's craziness...I bet she even told the dad to take that picture of Wes, but I guess I will only have to read to see what she's really like....
Total pages read: 159/322
Sunday, January 9, 2011
The Queen Of Everything pgs. 1-59
by Deb Caletti
Jordan and Melissa work at this place called True You, a fitness and health center for obese people. One day while Jordan was working, a lady named Gayle D'Angelo came into the center. Jordan thought Gale was really pretty and waaayyy to skinny to be at True You. Even though she had just met Gayle, Jordan knew something was fishy about her when she said that she already knew her father. Things started to get weird after Jordan met Gayle D'Angelo. For instance, one morning her dad's girlfriend, Bonnie, called to speak to her dad, but he just told Jordan to tell Bonnie that he wasn't home. Not long after that call, Jordan ran into Bonnie and she told Jordan that her dad had ended their relationship after some big fight. While Jordan was hanging out at Melissa's house one day after school she noticed her dad's car in the driveway of the D'Angelo home; this is when Jordan really started freaking out. She left Melissa's house to see if it really was her dad's car, but by the time she got there the car was gone. Instead she noticed that Wes D'Angelo's (Gayle's husband) car was in the driveway instead. By seeing this, Jordan just assumed that her mind was playing games with her and let it all go.
Total pages read 59/322
The book begins with Jordan (the main character) talking about her dad. Right off the bat she says something that hints to the reader that her dad really is a good guy, but has taken a wrong turn in life. Then Jordan goes on to talk about her mom. Jordan's mother is basically a hippy, and Jordan is so embarrassed by it. Her parents are divorced and for a while she lived with her mom. Her mom made her go to this really weird school and she didn't have many friends because she was too embarrassed to to bring them to her house. When Jordan finally couldn't take living with her mom anymore she moved in with her dad and attempted to live as normal as a life as possible. She started going to a normal high school and made a friend named Melissa. For a while, Jordan thought her life was actually starting to get normal.
Jordan and Melissa work at this place called True You, a fitness and health center for obese people. One day while Jordan was working, a lady named Gayle D'Angelo came into the center. Jordan thought Gale was really pretty and waaayyy to skinny to be at True You. Even though she had just met Gayle, Jordan knew something was fishy about her when she said that she already knew her father. Things started to get weird after Jordan met Gayle D'Angelo. For instance, one morning her dad's girlfriend, Bonnie, called to speak to her dad, but he just told Jordan to tell Bonnie that he wasn't home. Not long after that call, Jordan ran into Bonnie and she told Jordan that her dad had ended their relationship after some big fight. While Jordan was hanging out at Melissa's house one day after school she noticed her dad's car in the driveway of the D'Angelo home; this is when Jordan really started freaking out. She left Melissa's house to see if it really was her dad's car, but by the time she got there the car was gone. Instead she noticed that Wes D'Angelo's (Gayle's husband) car was in the driveway instead. By seeing this, Jordan just assumed that her mind was playing games with her and let it all go.
In chapter three Jordan's grandparents are introduced. They are over for dinner when all of a sudden Jordan's dad gets a phone call and says he has to go help a friend with something. Jordan realizes that he didn't actually go to help his friend, but was somewhere else entirely.
So far I don't really kmow if I like this book or not....I mean it's really interesting and I love the whole story line, but it is just reeeaalllyyy hard to follow. There are parts in the book where I don't know if I am in the past, present, or future because the author jumps around so much. The book isd written from Jordan's perspective so I get that I am inside her mind, but it's almost like everything has already happened and she is re-telling the story because she will say one thing and then be like "it's only until later that I realized that was true"...it's confusing.
EXAMPLE: "And that's when I smelled it. Her perfume. Gayle D'Angelo's perfume. I swear, I smelled it before I saw her. It was not a smell I could forget, ever. Later I would smell that perfume on some woman in a department store, and I would feel so sick, I actually gagged."
I also get kind of bored when I read the book because there is hardly any dialogue. I mean there is some, but not as much as I would like there to be. There is so much description though. Literally every other sentence is either a simile, metaphor, or personification. I think that is pretty cool, the way the author uses those methods to create a story.
The more I read the story, the more I'm getting into it though because I have my own little speculations about what is going to happen between Gayle D'Angelo and Jordan's dad. I just hope I'm wrong bout them....Total pages read 59/322
Taylor Swift - Mine
I absolutely love this video...Taylor Swift is my absolute favorite singer. I love listening to her music because each song she sings has its own story and you can applyeach message that is said in the song to your own life :)
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Welome to my blog! I am very excited to start blogging about all of the amazing books I will be reading this semester :) I will also try and blog about other interesting things that happen to me as well. I will be putting up my first reading review post soon; the book I am reading is so good!
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